SKS having problem holding AK mags


New member
Hello - I recently purchased a SKS rifle, Norinco. I have one already in original form, but this one has the Fiberforce stock on it, and has been converted by removing the fixed box magazine to feed AK mags.

It's a nice rifle and in great shape, but my problem simply, is that it does not seem to hold a AK mag in place. I simply can't get them to latch on. Incidentally, a have a older South Korean issue AK mag (much heavier construction) which clicks right in place with no problems.

Is it the type of AK mag which is the problem? Will it hold some types but not others? Also curious, if it might not just be better to reconvert back to it's fixed magazine as it was originally?

Thanks for any input/advice.


New member
The problem is that the SKS was never designed to have an AK magazine. The exception is some commercial Chinese versions that were converted by them for the American market.

Every single SKS that I have examined that have been modified here in the US to use AK magazines have been problematic, mostly failures to feed reliability. My advice is to see if a original SKS ten round fixed magazine can be reinstalled in you rifle and if it can, go back to that.

To answer your question, all AK magazines should be the same barring the usual manufacturing tolerances. I have AK mags from practically all the former Warsaw Pact countries and China, they all work flawlessly in my AK's. AFAIK, the S Korean mags are a commercial variant and not military issue, so may not have the same tolerances as the European mags.


New member
If it were mine I would re-convert it back to original fixed magazine ...
what works ... works !
It's that or use the heavier South Korean magazine that works ... but if you can't get additional magazines ... you are stuck with one .
I always thought the SKS feeding system was a rather good one ... it works !


New member
The main issue I see here is, SKS's aren't converted to take AK mags just by simply removing the fixed magazine. What has been done to the SKS in question? Is it simply an SKS with a removed mag, is it a type D that is supposed to take AK mags as-built from the factory, or has something aftermarket been installed?


New member
Ok, thanks to all very much for the replies. Since asking the same question to a few close friends who collect/shoot with me....within the past one hour they've all said the exact same thing: revert back to the original fixed, box magazine holding ten rounds.

I do not know exactly what type Norinco this it...but I "think" it may be D? The fiberforce stock is obviously a aftermarket thing but it fits nicely and it's need. The bayo has been removed, and curiously the part that acts as a guide for the cleaning rod is a blocky thing. I'll have to see if I can load a image.

One more question - is it difficult to revert back to the original fixed magazine? One of my friends has told me that if I'm still wanting the extra capacity, he has a 20-round SKS magazine he's willing to sell (I've seen it, it has a star stamped on the side.).

Thank you again for any additional advice.


New member
A type D cannot be converted to a standard fixed box magazine, if I remember correctly. I don't believe it has the attachment points needed for it. But it has been a while since I've seen one with the stock off. Even if it could, you'd need a new stock as their inlets are different.

I think we definitely need pics of what is going on with this rifle.

50 shooter

New member
Where and how does it not lock on? The front clip or rear that locks into the mag release?

Not "all" AK mags and mag releases are the same.

Over the years I've had mags that didn't fit into one of my AK's. The simplest solution is to lightly grind the angled edge above the clip that locks into the mag release.

Some even needed the clip to be ground for a perfect fit. I always used a dremel, just don't go crazy with it. Less is more, you want a snug fit with that positive click you hear when you lock an AK mag in place.

If it's the front, you have to really take the time to watch the clip. If it's to small, you'll have to add metal to it (weld). To big, you can grind a little metal off.


New member
We need a picture of the whole gun and of the mag well.

If you have a standard SKS (not a type D), then if you try to put an AK mag in, it WILL just fall out since there's nothing there to lock it into place. There are some conversions out there for standard SKS mag wells, but it doesn't sound like you have that if the mags just fall out.

Are you sure you don't need a duckbill mag for your SKS? Some duckbill mags work, some don't. The Tapco ones always worked for me. If your rifle is a duckbill or is missing the fixed 10-round mag, your friends star mag would be a good addition, you'd just want to get stripper clips for feeding it. Or if you have a standard 10 round SKS mag, you can load the Jerry Miculek way:

If you have a Type D, you need to get regular AK mags. When you say you have a thick S. Korean mag, that doesn't sound right either, they usually have a very thin metal.

Show us the mag well and we'll be able to tell you what mag goes with that gun.


New member
SKS having problem holding AK mags
SKSs don't do well converted to use AK mags. In 30 years I have never seen a converted one that didn't have problems. SKSs are dead reliable with the original mag, but cheeseheads want to turn an SKS into something it was never meant to be. Buy a fixed mag for it and convert it back. Want more capacity than the 10-round fixed mag? Buy a 20-round fixed mag for it.


New member
The problem is that the SKS was never designed to have an AK magazine.
This, most definitely.

Modified “Franken-guns” might run well … or they might not.

If you want a mag-fed AK, get an AK. Don’t buy some aborted project-gun that Bubba cranked out in his basement. :rolleyes:


New member
I have a SKS-D/M and a MAK-90. Both magwells are super tight. IF I can get a surplus mag (Romanian, Yugo, etc) to lock in, I have to use a mallet to get it out. In my experience, the Chinese guns are tight in the mag catch area. Mags definitely need to be file fitted. Compare that to almost any Romanian AK I've come across and the Romy's are super loose and will take anything.

SKS-D and SKS-M will definitely say so on the receiver. The bolt carrier (thingy you charge the gun with) does not have a stripper clip guide. They also generally have the goofy thumbhole stock.


New member
I miss the $79 SKS rifles and 1000 rounds for $100. The only converted SKS I ever had that worked great was one I swapped out for a Tapco stock and 20-round mags. It ran like a champ and I am truly sad I sold it off. It required no mods to the gun and I could swap the old stock and mag back with out any ill effects.


Back when they were selling Chinese SKS rifles like popcorn, I remember that anytime someone would say they were having a problem with their SKS rifle feeding I would tell them to get rid of the aftermarket conversion without even asking about the rifle.

Folks were surprised that I knew without their saying so, that they had altered the gun.

SKS rifles work well. Altered SKS rifles... Not nearly as much of a sure thing.