SKS Bullpups?


New member
So there are a bunch of different kits for turning that old SKS into a sweet new bullpup. I'm curious to hear from people who have done this, what kits they've used, and what they've learned from the process.


New member
I've considered it, but I don't think I'll ever actually go through with it. major reason being the quality of the kits used. the company that IMO makes the nicest kits is called CBRPS, and they have a few different options to choose from. however I have bought one of their kits before for a different style of rifle and even though they're sturdy when finished, they are clunky and noisy(metal flaps all over the place that don't have any kind of arresting hardware). second reason being muzzle blast and report. even though most shooting is done at a range with ears and eyes on, I would like the chance to use all of my guns for hunting or god forbid other tasks which are banned for topic here. bullpupping a x39 is a bad idea for both, especially if using cheap ammo with crappy propellants. 3rd, they make factory triggers worse and the SKS has a great trigger as far as misurp rifles go, a bullpup kit would completely ruin that. add the fact that cleaning would become a greater chore than it already is.


New member
Check out the........

.........Bullpup forum. A guy there goes by the moniker of LKermit. He custom builds wood bullpup stocks. I have one made of black walnut with an ebony stain. Very nice craftsmanship. I'd post a pic but my gunsmith has the stock and my Yugo. He's refinishing it and doing mods to it for me. Also fixing a few things that "bubba" did to it. That's why I'm bullpupping it. Bubba already tore into it. I'm making it decent again(in my own way).


New member
Sks has great trigger pull? That's news. Its trigger pull is among the worst. It could become acceptable with a proper trigger job. But the bullpup mod will definitely make it even worse.



"Sks has great trigger pull? That's news. Its trigger pull is among the worst. It could become acceptable with a proper trigger job. But the bullpup mod will definitely make it even worse."

I second that thought.


New member
Years ago my brother put a Norinco SKS in a bullpup stock. It had to of had a 15 pound trigger pull, but felt more like 20. Absolutely horrible. But he liked it, so I guess that's all that counts.


New member
hmm.... apparently AKs and ARs have just given me an appreciation for mediocre triggers. yes there are much better triggers out there but there are definitely much worse out there as well.


New member
SKS triggers can vary a lot from gun to gun. I got lucky on mine. I have fired others that were way on the other end.


New member
I have a really nice Yugo from the 60's and only see its value depreciating if I modify it. There are plenty of great bullpups out there if that's your thing. I think the SKS is a pretty great rifle in its original configuration.

Edit: Didn't notice that Bubba got to it. Why not restore it? I can't imagine stock furniture is that expensive.

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New member

My sks in a sgworks kit. Trigger is a little worse than stock, but not horrible by any means.

It is a hoot to shoot.

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