SKS battle sight use


New member
You might get a few different replies to this question

I have had a few of these excellent little carbines and all have been either Russian or Chinese military issue. I never shot one past 100 meters and the best I could ever get at that distance was about 4" for either three or five shot groups and I mean this was the BEST....all with the issue square notch rear, front post, tangent sights.

So, just a guess, but probably the best I could do with an SKS at 200 yards would be about 8 inches :) These weapons were not designed to be or ever expected to be tack drivers at distance...they have other positive attributes other than accuracy at distance.


New member
Minute of Fist at 100" yards and Minute of Open Hand at 200 yards. I guess it's Minute of Foot at 300. Maybe the Factory ammo like Hornady or Winchester groups better?


New member
My Norinco at 100 is closer to 6", but that is with Wolf and other cheap ammo. Never with tried any better quality.


New member
What kind of groups are you getting with you SKS shooting at 200 and 300 yards?
Tight enough to hit a man sized target...somewhere.
As it was designed to do!
First optics, now 200-300 yard "accuracy".
You have a great, reliable 100 meter battle rifle. Use it as such, and expect it to do good within it's limitations.

mr bolo

New member
My Russian sks could do a tennis ball sized group at 100 yards off a rifle rest / table

iron sights, using standard steel cased range ammo