Situation last night - what should I have done?


New member
I have a car rental business located in our small airport terminal. Last night I was at the counter waiting for a late arrival when I heard a guy swearing and yelling, obviously very aggitated. I saw that he was at the counter of one of the small commuter airlines that come in and out of the Island. I also saw that there was one woman (mid 50's, someone I know to say hi to) dealing with him. The guy was off a fishing boat (marching around in white boat boots) and a local guy was with him (recently involved in a local heroin overdose death of a young girl - classy, huh?).

It's around 9:30 p.m. and the two detail cops have gone home for the night. I've got my ccw with me. I moved up to see what was going on. Seems the guy had a part for his fishing boat coming in from Boston that got lost somehow and he was furious. Now I can understand being upset but this guy was swearing and acting inappropriately, obviously frightening several women who were at the counter waiting to collect their baggage. I watched, caught the eye of the woman working the counter and asked her (quietly) if she was o.k. She said yes. I saw a couple of the young guys who slam the bags hiding in the back. I stayed nearby and simply watched, making sure that the situation didn't go south.

The guy finally left, along with his drug-simple sidekick. Fortunately, it didn't get exciting. My thoughts were this: I had my cell phone and could have called the cops if I thought the situation warranted it. As the idiot was belligerent to start, I'm wondering if it wouldn't have been a good idea from the start (not to mention his poor choice of associates). If it got physical, I would have quickly found myself in a 2 on 1 situation with guys who carry knives as a matter of course (a fishing boat necessity). I think I could have handled either guy 1 on 1 but retrospectively I know I'd have quickly been over my head. I had my Glock 26 with me but that would have been the absolute last thing I'd have wanted to rely on.

As I drove home, I started thinking there's a big difference between smart and brave. I think I should have called the police and stood by to help the lady until they arrived. What would you have done? Thanks in advance.

1911A1 fan

New member
You should have called!

You did right by standing by, but if things would have went south and you had to defend this woman, a 911 tape to the police would have helped you if you had to defend YOURSELF in court!
It fine and right to try to help someone else but let the cops do their job if they can get there in time.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Calling the cops is always good. The only reason we rag on it so much here is that so many people stop there and hope that it fixes everything. Calling the cops would definitely have been a good idea. Keeps these two in their minds, as well.

Standing by is good. No sense getting in an unnecessary fight if they're not going to hurt anyone. I know someone is going to say "Don, there was a time in this country when a man could have popped him one just for disrespecting that lady." Well, I know. But this isn't that time. If he ends up owning your house and she's mad at you for jumping into her business, you have lost whether you broke his nose for good cause or not.


New member
You did just fine...You were prepared to prevent a bigger problem, but didn't overreact...I'd have done the same...And it's a shame more people wouldn't...

Jeff White

New member
You did a good thing by standing by. Next time call the police too. Then stand by to take action until they arrive. I live in another jurisdiction from where I work as a part time officer. I definately call 911 if I have a problem. Hasn't kept me from taking action if something came down before they arrived.

Think of it this way, you were there with your Glock 26 in case things went bad, and the police would already have been enroute to back you up if they did go bad.



New member
Ditto what's been said here. Were it me, I'd dial 911, and be ready if things went south. We're often told that merely presenting the gun can often bring a bad scenario to a hasty conclusion. And although I don't know what the legal ramifications would be of this, but if push comes to shove, a warning shot might also do wonders.

There's a very fine line between smart and brave, and it's not always easy to know which and when. You did good... but cover your OWN butt, too, by calling in. Better safe than sorry.


New member
I would have done the same. Would have to see the situation first hand to determine whether or not to call the police. If a physical confrontation appears probable, I would make the call and stand by just as you did.

El Rojo

New member
I work in a federal prison and one of the first things they teach us is if another staff member is having a heated conversation or starting to have a conflict with that inmate, the best thing to do is just walk up and stand behind that staff member. You don't have to say anything, just stand there and listen. Basically that lends credibility to the other staff member and reinforces that they are not going to be bullied around. I think you did the right thing. Could you have called the cops too? Sure. Do you think it was necessary? They guy sounded more like he was upset and didn't know how to relax than he was going to be a threat. You just moving up and being there was the best thing. Now it is over. Good job.

Next time if you want, call the cops too, but you did the most important thing. Some people just call the cops and watch from affar. You stopped that situation from going any further by your presence, not by calling the cops.


New member
Thanks for your replies. You know, in a strange way I think I'd have been somewhat more assertive had I NOT been carrying. Does that make any sense? I think the fact that I had the Glock with me forced me to remain calm and not blow the situation out of proportion. The last thing I want to do is let down my fellow gun owners!

Thanks again.


New member
You are a fine man and a good friend for standing by to make sure everything went OK.

You should have called the cops though, so you wouldn't have to prove how good a man you are in case things went south.


New member
Your action was prudent and reasonable. I think that by standing by and observing not only assures those pedestrians present it also presents the possibility of calling the cops if things escalate. Good job.


New member
I think I'd have been somewhat more assertive had I NOT been carrying. Does that make any sense?
Yes, because it seems to happen to almost everybody who carries. Sooner or later, some shrinks are going to do a study on that and write a book. Meanwhile, all of us schlubs will just go on experiencing that phenomenon.

Another vote for calling the cops at the time you became concerned.

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
Call the cops. Have it on record that you were the concerned citizen before the SHTF.

A year or so ago, Spectre and I were at a Denny's in downtown Atlanta. We saw what appeared to be two men fighting with a woman and trying to get her into a vehicle. This was occurring across the parking lot and a street. Spectre armed himself with my console pistol, and moved to the trunk where a HK91 resides while dialing 911. I ambled across the street for a closer reconnaisance...avoiding eye contact with the folks and walking at an angle that did not invade their "space." I passed their car about 15 feet to the rear, got the license plate number, and a close look at what was happening...three drunks play fighting.

If it had been a genuine abduction in progress, I would have intervened. Spectre would have backed me. We would have had the record of the call to 911 to help with the assertion that we were the good guys.

We sat at Denny's for over an hour while eating...a squad car never showed up.


New member
I think you ya did good. You caught the woman's eye and asked if she was OK. She said she was. You waited to make sure it didn't escalate. I may have called the police. That way if things did go south and you had to jump in, you could use delaying tactics until backup arrived. Overall, I don't see much that you did that could be improved upon. One other thing, if things had gone bad and you did have to draw your weapon, the restraint you showed early on would work in your favor with the DA.