Single stage trigger AR


New member
I've got more Timney single stage triggers than any other triggers types. I prefer LaRue MBT 2 stage triggers for precision and blasting paper. I prefer single stage triggers for hunting.


New member
I have both single and double stage triggers. I love double stage triggers for more precision shooting, but I prefer single stage triggers for my "carry" guns. My 300 Blackout AR pistol (my truck gun) has a single stage ALG trigger and it works great. Much better than the standard mil-spec trigger and they go for around $50 (give or take $10, depending on where/when you buy).


New member
For myself,I use two stage. I shoot one round at a time.
Many years ago,I tended to have several pieces of brass in the air at the same time. (5.56 was < 3 cents a round). Lacking as much reset,the single stage could be fired faster. You can pick up the rhythm of the bolt slamming into battery ,make a lot of dust and noise and make an empty magazine better with a single stage.


Now I like expensive barrels,small groups,or seeing my target react. Hits.Three match grade handloads cost a buck.
Two stage is fine . Geisselle ,Jewell,even Rock River NM. I'm sure there are more I have not tried.


New member
I prefer 2 stage. I have an RRA and a Timney Trigger. In all honesty for the price point the RRA trigger is better but the Timney trigger is a lot easier to install. On my hunting rifles I just have the factory triggers on them and that works for me. The Tikka has a better trigger since you can adjust the trigger pull.


New member
A good trigger is a good trigger.
I don't care whether it's single-stage or two-stage if I know the rifle well.
But if it's something that I shoot infrequently, then I prefer a two-stage.

That being said... My golf ball launcher lower has the nastiest, mushiest, most useless single-stage trigger known to man, and it was just a random selection from a bushel of cheap LPKs on hand. There are plenty of crap triggers out there.


New member
rifleman0311 wrote:
Does anyone like single stages on their AR?


It never takes me very long to get used to the take-up and break on a rifle's trigger and out to the 200 yards or so that is all I shoot, the difference isn't all that material. Besides I like having the money a replacement trigger would cost in my bank account.


New member
I use both--depends on the primary use and caliber of the rifle. Most of em though I "imagine" I will use as double-duty for hunting even if I never have hauled them out there. My single stage AR triggers I've found 4 lb +/- pull to be about the perfect balance of accurate shooting and reasonable "AD reduction."


New member
I have both depending on intended use. 3 gun rifle is a CmC single stage 3lb. My spr is a geissele ssae. Both good triggers. Also run a couple alg triggers on my truck gun and beater rifle for around the homestead.


New member
I have used the Timney on a lot of guns but I have started to use the Velocity and I think the Velocity has a better brake 149.99 Velocity and 225.00 for the Timney