sincere apologies to 12-34hom & the rest of you

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Member In Memoriam
I had no business making comments such as I did to 12-34hom in the "hip-capo mag" thread over this past weekend.

Very much uncalled for on my part.

My sincere apologies to you, 12-34hom & to all else who read my crap.

Hasn't been "suggested" that I make this note - it is the right thing to do whoever.

Again, excuse, please, & sorry.

Mal H

Good on ya, labgrade. To be honest, I was surprised at the things you said in the thread. I wouldn't have been at all surprised to see it from some others, but not you. 12-34hom and his post didn't deserve it. "Blessed be the peacemakers ..." (on both sides. :) )


New member
I too am guilty of not thinking before posting.

My last post to labgrade & a smart ass comment to Tammara was uncalled for and rude and not what TFL is all about.

So to the membersip & Labgrade & Tammara i also hope you will forgive my "excited utterances".

12-34hom. Thanks.


Member In Memoriam
Was in a hurry to get this apology out before a (fairly) quickly-laid-on camping trip ... should have used a spell-checker. ;)

Just very recently back & do appreciate the sentiments expressed.

& again, very sorry about my tone in the earlier mentioned thread - weighed on my mind & very much uncalled for - no sense having to read such as that on TFL.

Far as that "group hug" goes, could use one. The Wife's in Kali for over one week & for a few more days .... wah.

BTW, never tell your sister (who has a well-developed sense of humor) when looking to fix you up for a date in Miami, "as long as it's a mammal." Much longer & less-interesting story could be told - highly OT - although it could have involved a gun .... ;)

Bob Locke

New member
Was in a hurry to get this apology out before a (fairly) quickly-laid-on camping trip ...
Hey! I called you on FRIDAY, pal! Plenty of time to get ready by Monday morning! :D

And yes, you're STILL one of my heroes! :p

Long Path

New member
I am happy to lock this thread...

...not out of malice nor disquietude toward any here, but to close the door on an unfortunate time that good men have put behind them. :)

Also, it's Off Topic! :p

All Best,

Long Path.
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