Since we don't wanna "POACH"


Staff In Memoriam
If you want to feed the other critters tasty morsels of corn than it should be legal to defend such "food" from the thieven' deer!
So we shouldn't get "BUSTED" for hunting over "BAIT" when we were just protectin' that expensive corn from DEER! So post this sign my dad created near the "FOOD PILE" to legally protect your self and your "CAUSE"!




Staff In Memoriam
Just don't get shootin' those over their dinner plate... you'll be fine!
My pop made these up after I told him we oughta be able to feed other critters and shoot trespasser thief deer! Kind of a "WOODS DOCTRINE" texas "PROPERTY DEFENSE" sort of thing!:D


New member
I wish I could get away with that up here in the LP of MI. We have a feeding and baiting ban for deer this year. All because one deer, in a breeding pen, on the other side of the state, that was imported from out of state tested positive for CWD. Has really made hunting public land a little tougher that's for sure. I just wish DNR up here had your sense of humor! Then I could fill my freezer just a little easier without having to resort to better hunting tactics:(


New member
Terminator, I have a friend that happens to mow his overgrown orange groves a day or two before dove season. Nothing wrong with mowing when it really needs it!


New member
Go ahead and enforce your sign and protect your corn from them evil ol' deer! .....And let me know how that works out for you!:D


Staff In Memoriam
Elrod, I hope you do know this was meant in jest and these items in my father's shop are for humorous enjoyment of outdoors folks...


New member
I'm actually surprised by how uninterested in corn our deer are. My primary stand is on the edge of a harvested corn field and there are pieces of corn ears and kernels everywhere. They just step in it on their way to the food plots of clover, turnip tops and rapeseed greens. Seems like they could care less about the corn, probably because they’ve had so much of it by fall.


Staff In Memoriam
Latenight... The deer also know those plots freeze out and the corn on the stalks will remain above snow usually and the corn on the ground is food in the bank compared to clover and rape plots... Plannin' for hard times!
That is just my guess...