Since I'm sick and tired of 9mm vs. 45 mumbo jumbo


New member
And WHICH 1911 is best, I would like to see some objective tests run on REVOLVERS vs. autos for accuracy, power, and general user-friendliness.

I am REALLY REALLY thinkin hard of dumping my 1911 Series 70 Colt Gold Cup and getting a M25 S&W.

I bet the recoil would be less and the accuracy as good or better.


New member
Get the Mod 25 and compare it side by side with your Colt. You will find that you can probably shoot the S&W better because it has adj sights as opposed to Colt's fixed. Perceived recoil should he about the same (I base this on shooting my S&W M1917 which is the only 45acp revolver I have).

Why worry about the controversy? They each do their jobs well. I'm a girl and shoot my S&W Mod 19, 24, 27, 29 and Ruger SA 45 Colt just fine. However I prefer my Colt 45acp Commander & Officers Model for concealed carry. For me, revolvers are fun and hunting guns. The autos for serious business.




New member
Buy a S&W 610. Shoots 40S&W/10mmm cartridges. Use moon clips with the 40 stuff. Now wait for the crap to fly again!!!! :D


New member
Don't dump that 1911. Sleep on it a bit. Being the owner of a Series 70 Gold Cup National match I can honestly say that I could never part with mine. ;)


New member
You can always have both...can't you...that'll settle that problem.

I've got a 25-2 forsale in the classifieds, its a 1955 model in .45 acp.

If you've got a .44 special we can do some horse trading.



New member 44.

The REASON I am thinking of offing the Gold Cup is because I have a bad thumb joint and it has JUST started getting better after abt. 3 years of pain.

I fired the Colt a couple weeks ago and set it back another couple weeks.

Just now getting to normal.

I think it's from the inertia of the slide and's from hardball.

So far, I have found NO ONE who sells reload .45 185-200 gr ....MID RANGE... ammo and I no longer reload.

Thinkin that a REVOLVER would be far easier on the thumb if I am stuck with hardball.

I really really REALLY like wheel guns and autos have just crept in as I got older and wanted more accuracy and firepower, but danged if my GOOD revos aren't just as accurate in my hands.

It will be a HARD decision and that's why it is still in the THINKING stage.

That old Gold Cup is a nice gun.

But I gotta have a 45. Have a Colt SAA 2nd Gen but it isn't the same as the old slabber. And I almost never shoot 45 Colt.

But a M25.....ooooooohhhh aaaaaaahhhhh

:) :D


New member
So shoot the wheel guns for now, and hang on to the Gold Cup. Give your thumb time to heal. I had a bad wrist for several years. It's fine now. I'm glad I didn't make any permanent decisions based on that wrist.

If it's an injury, make sure you're getting a couple of grams of vitamin C every day. It's needed to form collagen.
Lavan, what do you care if there is controversy between 9 mm and .45 or which 1911 is best? What does it matter? Buying a revolver isn't going solve any ammo arguments. No doubt whatever caliber you get will be constrasted with some other caliber with claims on both sides as to which is best and for what. The debates may not be as common as with 9 mm and .45, but getting a revolver won't free you from controversy.

Controversy has nothing to do with your guns and the calibers you shoot. The arguments of caliber and best brand are purely heuristic. With your brand of gun, or any brand, it isn't the brand that matters so much as it is the quality of the actual gun itself. You have have great Colts and horrible Colts, great Wilsons and crappy Wilson. If your gun works properly, you can handle the caliber, and you shoot it well, why drop the platform and caliber because of what people say?

Besides, once you get a revolver, you will get all the semi-auto nuts saying you need to get a semi-auto and you will have to be dealing with that whole new ball of wax that is just like the problems you were trying to avoid.


New member
It depends on which joint in your thumb is "tricky".

In gripping a revolver, my thumb plays a big role. The overall grasp is tighter than with a pistol, and more fingers are involved, but the thumb is crucial in pointing toward the trigger finger, arching off the rear hump, and releasing the cylinder.

Since the thumb is the "boss" finger of the hand, you might find that joint issues are recurrent across shooting platforms.

Have you considered moving to a softer recoiling caliber?

In regard to your questions about accuracy, my experience is that I can shoot my pistols (1911, P7) faster and more accurately at closer range than I can the revolvers, but I can score more medium to long distance hits with my revolvers in slower, deliberate fire, likely because of the longer sight radius.

Hope it works out for you!



New member
Double Naught Spy...... Are you CRAZY? As shooters, we MUST have unwavering opinions and defend them to the death whether they make sense or not! Din't you know that? Where were you in Guncrazy 101?


I don't care WHAT people argue about. I only care if my THUMB hurts. Wanna talk controversy? I shoot .38 ....wadcutters....instead of he-man .357's in my .357 revolvers. I even CARRY wadcutters as the first two up in my CCW gun because I.......know...... I can put them in ....FAST. I train with 3 shot bursts so I know if I ever have to use it, there will be 2 wadcutters in the target as the third KABLOOEY is on the way.

My only reason for the 9mm/45 title was to parody a well-known controversy as a lead-in to this goofy post about thumbs.


(of course the 9mm is FAR superior cuz you gots LOTS of em)


New member
Raider-- "I'm a girl and shoot my S&W Mod 19, 24, 27, 29 and Ruger SA 45 Colt just fine."

I don't call anyone who shoots a "girl" ;)


New member
Thanks for the compliment Chip. It just sounds so stupid to say "I'm a young adult female". Am I correct?



New member
Bless you , Clemson......I think.

Getting an "error 404" on "pistol ammo" link on the site but will keep trying.



New member
Lavan, and ALL, if you are interested in healing faster than you thought you could, check out a product called, "Dr. Christopher's BFC ". No, I don't sell the stuff, but I am SOLD on it. It REALLY works. We've proven it time and again in my family.

I don't have a recommendation on where to buy it.


New member
When my right hand gets tired at the range, I practice with my left hand. I keep thinking that skill set can come in handy if my right hand were injured for some reason. Keep the GOld Cup. You will kick yourself with your good leg after you get rid of it. :) Now, regarding revolvers - yeah, they are great. Getting a mild 44 Spl or 45 COlt load will make the range day more fun. The revolvers are big, though, and most people shoot Singel action anyway, in double action revolvers. Your dilemma is not solved. 9mm and 45 are different. I can place the lighter weight ball more precisely than the 45. I keep a 9mm on hand with 16 rds as suppresive fire and placement capability, and I use the 45 for up close and personal for sheer knockdown. It is all in the mass. It is all about dumping one 230gr or two 115gr. More chances when you split the bullet in half, but the slug won't be as heavy if you go with the lighter one. Bullets only make holes so big, anyway. If you need/want a big hole, use a knife. It can split a target 5-35 inches, depending on the motion....


New member

Call Georgia Arms on their 800 number to ask about the cast bullet ammo for .45. Their offerings change, and the cast stuff that I found on the website was copper plated 200 grain ammunition. At one time they sold a lead bullet load that was VERY accurate, loaded in new Starline cases.

Good luck!
