Simple Green?

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New member
I read a Post last week about cleaning your gun with simple Green. Could someone give me a little more info on this. Are you talking about cleaning the whole gun with a degreaser.

Thanks Tony Z :confused:



New member
Soylent Green!

For the love of all things good!!!!!!!
Soylent PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!

Oh, the humanity!!! :eek:

Simple Green is a water based solvent that does a good job on greasy dirt too. BTW, The active ingredient in Simple Green is...................................people.

Not to worry...Just a little sci-fi humor Tony.


New member
Soylent Green

I saw they movie when it was first released
I can even remmember the place. 102nd Street drive In.

Good actor Charlton Heston. :cool:


New member
Over the last year, I've had occasion to refinish a few rifles and pistols with a spray-and-bake moly finish. Based on a tip from an AGI gunsmithing video, I use Simple Green to degrease the gun parts prior to coating them. Just spray on the SG, scrub with an old toothbrush, rinse in warm water and dry with compressed air. It works great.

However, I wouldn't use it for routine maintenance; only if the weapon is really, really, grungy or if, like me, you are planning on refinishing it. I'd be a bit reluctant to use it on any gun that wasn't completely stripped down to itsy-bitsy parts that could be quickly and completely dried. You wouldn't want any water to get trapped in cracks and crevices and start it to rusting.


New member
I alwase strip my firearms down after shooting and deep clean them.

Are there any other methods prefered by anyone>simple green ect.


here's the link to the simple green discussion. just make sure you use it with HOT HOT water. stuff works great and it's cheap.
[Link to invalid post]


New member
Tony, You actually (for real now) saw a movie in a drive in? You really saw the picture? :D

We preserve our freedoms by using four boxes: soap,ballot,jury, and cartridge.
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