Simple enough for a 10-year-old to grasp...


New member why can't Sarah Brady et al?

Last night I took my girlfriend and her two kids out to dinner. I've been seeing her for 8 months, and she and the kids are used to seeing me carry. Sometimes open, sometimes concealed (with Virginia CCH permit).

So there we were, sitting in the Pizzeria Uno's in Woodbridge. I was carrying openly because of the silly Virginia laws. The staff at the restaurant see me often enough that they all know I carry, and I'm a popular enough customer that waitresses fight over which of them gets me in their section. (Just doing my part to dispel the misconception that all gun-owners are paranoid nutballs).

I was talking with my girlfriend about random stuff, and I mentioned the recent tax fraud debacle over at the MMM. Her 10-year-old daughter piped up and asked who the Million Mom March was. I explained that it was a group that believed that private citizens should not be allowed to own guns. She asked why they wanted to make guns illegal. I told her that there were some people who believed that guns were the cause of violent crime, and that by making guns completely illegal, crime would be reduced. I said all of this with a completely neutral tone, because I wanted to see how she reacted to it without any kind of external pressure.

I'm so proud! She immediately responded with: "That's silly. People need to be able to own guns to protect themselves, and their families. Criminals won't obey laws, so good people need to have guns, or the criminals will be able to do whatever they want."

Just to see how well she'd thought it out, I asked, "But if guns were made totally illegal, and no one had them, how would criminals get them?"

She looked at me like I was being particularly stupid (which that question presupposes, really...) and said, "Drugs are totally illegal here, too, but people who want them still get them."

Sarah Brady, are you listening? A 10-year old girl, who still likes N'Sync and the Backstreet Boys, has managed to demonstrate more cognitive ability than the entire Million Mom March and Brady Campaign combined. Pay attention, you might learn something.


Christopher II

New member
"A child of five could understand this. Fetch me a child of five." - Groucho Marx

Sounds like you and your girlfriend have done a good job. Congratulations are in order!

- Chris

Chuck Dye

New member
Sorry if this is repetitious, but it bears repeting:

You cannot kid proof the [blank], you must [blank] proof the the kid.

Hope the kid in your story was thinking critically and not merely a member of the choir singing the required respone to your call.


New member
Sounds like you and your girlfriend have done a good job. Congratulations are in order!
Thanks! :D Actually, though,I deserve little enough of the credit; I only met these kids last December. Their mother, on the other hand, is one of the most amazing women I've ever met. And her kids reflect it. She shows them that she trusts them to do their best to make the right decision, and then she gives them all the information (including the potential consequences if they break the rules), and lets them think it through and decide what they want to do. And most of the time, they make the right decisions.

When they make the wrong decisions, they get precisely the consequences they knew beforehand they were going to get. The six-year-old sometimes tries to weasel out of punishments, but the 10-year-old has figured out that trying to do that only leads to a heavier penalty, so she's stopped.

I've already started to teach them about gun safety in the abstract (in my home, by discussing the 4 rules and so forth), but I'm going to follow her lead some time soon, and take them to a range and show them how devastating a bullet can be. Maybe shoot a hunk of meat with a 7mm soft-point at 3200fps, and a couple of melons with hollowpoint .44 magnum rounds, and make them realise that this is the type of damage a gun can do to you, and that's why you need to follow the four rules.

I'm also planning on getting them a nice air rifle in the near future. Ok, to be honest, I want a nice air rifle, and I'm going to blatantly trade on the fact of having kids around as an excuse to get one. :D I own 4 acres, which isn't enough to legally shoot firearms on, but an airgun will be fine (I have plenty of naturally-occuring berms), and I can teach them and show them the rules regularly, whereas taking kids to the range all the time can be a PITA.

Re: Brady:
It's not so much "can't" as "won't".
Well, ok, fair enough.

I know perfectly well that Sarah Brady and her horde know exactly what we know. What I can't understand is what she expects to gain by pushing her agenda. I can understand the government wanting to take away guns, because it assures their continued ability to do what they like. But what does Brady get out of it? She's not in the government. Does she honestly believe that, once she's served her purpose, she won't be one of the first people to be quietly removed from the public eye?



New member
There *IS* hope ...


It is your solemn duty & responsibility to ensure that kid has everything needed to make them a responsible citizen, so that when the time is right, and she is called to public service, she will get elected! ;) Seriously, this child clearly is quite capable of independent thought & reason, which will make her a good leader. We NEED people like her in elected offices !


New member

The seeds are sown, may she mature without losing the ability to reason.

Thanks BrokenPaw
