silicone spray for storage?


New member
i have a can of cheap $1.00 silicone spray that i picked up from the autoparts store. would it be ok to use for a long term storage spray? tia

bill k

New member
I would vote no. Stick with a quality firearm spray like Butches gun oil or Hoppies products. There are many on the market to choose from. I found from experience some silicone sprays have water in them which is a no no on firearms.


New member
I don't like sprays for anything...For long term storage I use something designed for that - RIG.


New member
If you are only going to be gone a year a simple wipe down with Breakfree CLP will be just fine.


New member
LOL, I've tried using silicone spray as a preservative. When you spray it, the liquid evaporates and what's left is the dry silicone powder. It is easily dusted off.

Others have mentioned CLP. CLP has never failed me.