Silencing the Lone Assassin


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Misleading title for a book that demonstrates that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in Dallas in 1963. I don't think I've read any other books on the topic and other than seeing that dopey movie JFK, I've never had much exposure to the various debates on this murder, but this book was interesting.

A recent thread on "conspiracy theories" made me think I should post this book review.

I guess I'm kicking a fire ant nest by bringing this topic up again, but...

I just finished this book and would recommend it to anyone who harbors doubts about the conclusions of the Warren Commission. The author is a little bit sassy at times, but presents a clear and reasonably well organized argument. It's a short book, but presents a good picture of how Oswald could have - and must have - done it himself and in fact acted almost on the spur of the moment, when he found out two days before the event that the President's route would pass directly below the window of the building where he worked.

There are interviews with the medical examiners at Bethesda who conducted the autopsy as well as with the ER medical staff in Dallas - including the ME there - all of whom support the Warren Commission study.

He shows with photos taken from the window in the book depository building, through the actual scope of the murder weapon, that the shots weren't as difficult as many would think. He also concludes that of the three shots Oswald fired, it was the first one that missed (and you can see from the photo through the scope that the shot could easily have been deflected by branches of a tree). Another thing he brings up is that if it was the 1st shot that missed, about eight seconds elapsed between the first and last shots (longer than generally supposed). This seems to be supported by eyewitness accounts and the Zapruder film where Kennedy suddenly glances to the side about 2 seconds before he's hit.

One interesting thing I learned in this book was that Oswald had previously attempted - unsuccessfully - to assasinate a rabidly anti-Castro General with the same rifle he shot Kennedy with. In fact, he purchased the rifle not to shoot Kennedy, but to shoot this General.

He also details the mob involvement of Jack Ruby and indirectly by Oswald, and lays out a fairly convincing rationale for Ruby to have killed Oswald on behalf of the mob: in order to cover up the gun-running operations by the mob to Cuba that Oswald was aware of. This is the reason for the title - the mob wanted to silence the assassin to prevent him from blabbing about the gun-running.

Also recently read a book about Charles Whitman - the only other "ex-"Marine (except when describing Oswald and Whitman, the the term is "former" Marines) - by the title of "Deadly Tower." What an evil schmuck that guy was! Too bad they didn't bring him in alive so they could make him ride the lightning.

This book was OK, but had several errors about firearms and a left-wing view of why Whitman did what he did. At one point the author tries to make Whitman's childhood experiences with guns and hunting to be the foundation for his later acts of premeditated murder. Arg!

Semper fi.


New member
I had my suspicions, too, until I read this book. Maybe there's another book out there that refutes everything in this one (like I said I haven't read anything significant about the topic), but this book is convincing!


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Well, according to ex-KGB officials, he didn't act alone. Of course, according to them, the person who returned to the US from the Soviet Union wasn't Lee Harvey Oswald but a double.


New member
LHO used President-killer bullets. That's why he didn't have to be that good of a shooter. All he had to do was point in the general direction and pull the trigger.

The "magic" bullet, wasn't magic at all; it just had a harder time getting to the president, but ran out of steam before it did. If you had to go through two people, you'd be tired, too!


New member
He talks about the "magic bullet," too. Nothing magic about it. Nothing that unusual about a 6.5mm being able to penetrate two people. The SD of the military 6.5 is very high and the round is fairly resitant to deformation. Apparently it did shed some weight, but only about 2 grains, which were retrieved from Governor Connaly (sp?).


New member
I don't claim to be a master sniper or anything, but I am a competent shot with a rifle. I have been to the "snipers perch" and spent an hour doing my own analysis. I could not have done the job that Oswald supposedly did even with a far better rifle. It would have been no great trick to do it as the President was coming straight up the street towards Oswald's location. It was another matter where it actually took place after the turn. The target was moving away at an angle, downhill, with obstructions popping in and out of view. I don't think that LHO did it alone. I really don't. Watch-Six

[Edited by Watch-Six on 03-09-2001 at 04:09 PM]


New member
Oswald was an ex-Marine. That means he could theoretically shoot, and would have a working knowledge of small arms.

Why, then...

1) Was he using that POS Italian mail order bolt rifle? He was gainfully employed, and could have easily purchased a surplus semi-auto M1D Garand.

2) Why was he using FMJ ammo? Assuming he was a good enough shot to make those hits, you'd think he would have purchased rounds loaded with expanding-type bullets.


New member
Oswald did it. It was 3 shots in over 6 seconds at a distance of 80 yards. I've seen film of a tower CBS or somebody built, with a target on a rail car moving at the same angle and speed. Recreational shooters, not snipers, were able to duplicate the feat, one guy made FOUR hits.

He shot at that general and noted it in specific detail in his journal, including a map and IIRC, a shot count which was correct. Ms Oswald confirmed he was gone at the time of the shooting, returning disheveled and sweaty. I can't recall if he told her he did it, but she thought he did.

He took "curtain rods" to work that day, how convenient.

He ran from the scene, shot officer Tippet in front of wits. Why?

I used to work with Joe Ball, a giant in California law, a dyed in the wool liberal, who was chief evidenc counsel to the Warren Commission. He wrote the rifle chapter and another. He recently passed away, but if you wanted a fight, tell him the conspiracy crap. He was rabid about his findings, and NO WAY he was working for any "Military-Industrial Complex" or anyone else.

My standard reply to conspiracy theories: how many people would HAVE to know about it. If It's more than 2, no way the secret stays hidden, and I only say 2 if they are BOTH up the proverbial creek if the word gets out.


New member
People have duplicated the Oswald shots many times or so the tactical lists state.

Personally, I think Kennedy is still alive and the body was that of Plastic Man duplicating him.

Oswald took a shot at George Lincoln Rockwell - not just anti-Castro but a big American Nazi. Missed him.


New member
What a great topic. Obviously Oswald had something to do with it. Other than that we just have a lot of speculation. I saw a similar staged test film where the pro's were not able to duplicate the feat. I've heard the famous sniper Gunny Carlos Hathcock felt that he could not have done it. I don't really know if the Gunny ever really said that. Lots of rumors, opinions and bravo sierra. None of us really KNOW what happened. We never will.

Bam Bam

New member
George Lincoln Rockwell? LHO may have shot at him too but I believe General Walker (A high-ranking member of the John Birch Society?) was the General he shot at.

What is suspicious about this is that LHO hit Kennedy and Connolly in a moving car at 80 yds w/ obstacles but missed Walker who was sitting at a desk in lit room.

FWIW I don't think LHO did it alone. But the truth will never out because the controversy and mystery is so great that even The Truth is just one among many at this point.


New member
It was moving, but moving almost directly away from his position.

Also, although he hit JFK 2x, the Connelly shot was the same shot that hit JFK in the neck.


New member
I have only been to the scene once and I do not remember the street names in Dallas. JFK came straight on to Oswald and then made a left turn (right from Oswald's perspective) directly below Oswald's spot. The junction makes a hair pin like turn that is greater than 90 degrees. Then the street descends rapidly at an angle away from the book depository building. Oswald's spot is depicted at the extreme left corner of the upper floor. Not the best spot to engage from when things actually began to happen. Would have been a far better position for an earlier shot. Trust me. It is not a straight going away shot. It sure would have been a straight shot as JFK came in thought. The street is lined with trees that may or may not have been there in the 1960s. They certainly get in the way today. Not trying to be argumentative, but if you ever get to Dallas go look at the spot and study it out for yourself. I still don't think a mediocre marksman could have done it with a POS rifle. Best. Watch-Six out.


New member
I've never been there, and don't feel you're being argumentative, watch-six.

TO all of us who haven't seen the area,

is a site with a live camera out the perch. THe link I posted is a "guide" to what the camera shows. THe area where the shots struck is curved down and away, but remember, the car was crawling, and the angles would, therefore, be simplified.

I also recall a guy who gave an interview that day or so who was on the 4th or 5th floor, directly under the window in question. He heard shots from directly above him, and actually heard the action being worked between shots.

Contrast this with the firearms "experts" ie housewives, who, never having heard a shot before, can pinpoint the source of unexpected gunfire in a man made canyon ie grassy knoll. I don't think I could do that. Additionally, I saw a current-day interview with one woman who swears the shots were coming directly over her head and that the shooter was behind her on the knoll. They cut away to an interview with her in 63, she didn't know, see, or even observe anything, claiming she fell or dove and hid her head. Memories change over time.

I always get a kick out of the grassy knoll types who swear they saw smoke from the knoll, indicating a shot. What were these trained killers using, a muzzloader? Not even the crap I put through my Sig smokes enough to notice from across a wide street.

I don't know who else, if anyone, was involved, but Oswald bought that rifle through the mail, took that rifle to work that day (or at least curtain rods after going to the garage , not his, where the rifle was kept by him), and fired that rifle from that window at JFK.

He was no Patsy.


New member
Miss Scarlet did it, in Dealy Plaza, with a 6.5 Carcano.

Or William Greer, the limo driver.

We'll never know the truth.


New member
This is a subject I am interested in being a wannabe conspiracy theorist.
Sounds like an interesting book I'll have to take a look, and we have a bit of interesting discussion going ona bout it here.
Do I think he acted alone. no. do I think it was aliens? NO, do I think it was the powers that be, IE ones who could get into major seats of power by the death of the then president? possibly.

Also the bookon whitman mentioned sounds interesting as well.
I actually know more about the whitman deal than the whole JFK thing as fas as technicals goes.
Thats because the kinky friedman song perked my interest in it here about a month ago.


New member
"Case Closed" by Gerald Posner

If you liked that, you must read "Case Closed", by Gerald Posner. First book on the subject I ever read that had any detail about Oswald. Very satisfying book that reads with the excitement of a novel. Ended a lot of questions for me, and it even follows up on many of the eyewitnesses of the event.

For years I thought I was the only one left who believed that Oswald acted alone. Glad there's a few others out there.