Silencers and the Law


New member
I was wondering if anyone can elighten me a little bit about the legality of owning silencers. I am guessing that they are pretty much illegal everywhere for civilians now, but I have always thought they were interesting devices and thought that they would be fun to shoot sometime. Any thoughts would be appreciated. And I'm sure this has been covered before so I'll be looking through the archives as well.

pre-B '75

New member

It depends upon your state.

If it is legal in your state of residence, then pay the appropriate NFA tax to the BATF and you're ready to roll.

Dave P

New member
I don't have one, but they are legal in FL. Know many folks that use them on their class 3 weapons.


New member
Suppressors are NFA restricted weapons. If there is no local (ie state) laws against it, they are legal to own.

After finding the one you want, you fill out 2 copies of AFT FORM 4, attach 2 passport photographs, get the CLEO in your area to sign the form stating he is not aware of you being a mass murderer, include fingerprint cards, add a check for $200 and send it all to ATF. They will do a background check, approve the transfer, send one Form 4 to the dealer. You then go get the suppressor and Form 4. No other charges.


New member
Is there a link or info showing the legalities of each state in regards to silencers, AOW...etc. I'm in Miss and have been told conflicting info re silencers (which I would like to have on my 10-22).

Thanks, bk


New member
I just ordered a supressed 10/22 and a suppressed Ruger MK II. I can't take them home until I get the tax stamps back.

Ed Brunner

New member

That is what I thought too, but according to the reference they ARE legal since 7/01/00.

"MS Y Y Y Y Y Y Y (as of 7/1/00, silencers are legal, but must be registered with the state)"


New member
Where ?
Machine Gun Kelly's Gun Vault in Las Vegas (on Sunset Road).

How ?
I took the August 2002 issue of Small Arms Review into the shop, showed Kelly what I wanted, he picked up the phone and ordered it, I paid him. When he gets the guns, he will make out the required paperwork. I will take the paperwork to the sheriff's office and have it signed. I will fill out my section of the paperwork. I will get fingerprinted. I will get passport photos taken. I will get a certified check for $400 ($200 for each gun). Then I will send all this stuff into ATF. The dealer keeps the guns until I get the tax stamp back from ATF (approx. three months). When I get the tax stamps, I can take the guns home.

What ?
I got a Ruger 10/22 and a Ruger MK.II both suppressed by Advanced Armament Corp.
I got the Phoenix models. Both have integral suppressors. The 10/22 looks just like a 10/22 with an aftermarket heavy barrel. I don't know a lot about this and have only fired one suppressed .22 before. But the issue of SAR that I mentioned was the "suppressor" issue. The article on these AAC Phoenix suppressors impressed me enough to decide that was the way to go. Hopefully I am right. I am told that the brass hitting the ground makes more noise than the shot. The tables in the article show that for some types of ammo, the shot is actually quiter than the action working.