Sigs...the best handgun?

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New member
Ive been shooting rifle for some time now and would like to buy my first handgun...many people say get it right the first time. People reccomend glocks and sigs...I hate glocks after shooting a sig. :p the 9mm glock ahd twice the recoil of the 40 S&W. The sig just felt better in my hand. What do you reccomend? Why?
P.S. what kind of sig would you reccomend?


I like HK better than Sig because I like polymer better than steel or aluminum. I was about to buy a Sig P229 which is the compact version of the P226. Those are the models I'd recommend personally. The P250 can swap out a ton of different parts, frames etc but I don't see the use for that to someone like myself so I didn't pay close attention to it.

The HK I bought was the P30. Excellent and extremely comfortable gun. Only available in 9mm though so if you want .40 you have to find something else. If you wanted a .45 then the HK45 is excellent too. Same grip style as the P30 which is really comfortable.

I do like Sigs and I was about to buy one until I held the HK.


New member
I too much prefer Sigs over Glocks. mostly for cosmetic reasons.

I have a Sig 226, and would recommend it as a range gun. Its a bit big and heavy for ccw in my opinion. Fat. Fun to shoot though. decent trigger.

I'd reccomend the 229 I guess. a little more compact, though still fat. But it seems to get pretty much nothing but adoration from the people who have them.

I'd also look into getting one of the 220 Carry models, with the slightly shorter barell. especially since you can get one in SAO.

Course then again you could just get a 1911.

I'm not a big fan of .40S&W, not for any particular reason, I just always found it too in the middle. I'd rather have a .45 for the power, or a 9mm for the capacity/recoil control etc.

But I know a few people who have carried 229s in .40 and been very happy.


New member
Sigs are great guns I love mine, dont think you can go wrong. If it fits your hand and you like it then get it.

Moe Howard

New member
I have or do have Glocks, Berettas, S&W, HK, Springfield, Kimber, and many others and IMO Sig is a stand alone in the overall quality department. Nothing else I have owned or currently own can quite stand up to Sigs overall quality. Sigs fit, feel, reliability, and accuracy in my opinion is second to none.


New member
I have fired over 1000 rounds through my Revolution STX with zero malfunctions so far.

They did something right.


Is it possible to get a Sig pistol for $500 or less because in three or four months I want to obtain my first semi auto pistol for less than $500?


New member
the reconditioned Sigs i have seen for 565, but I think thats the closest your going to get to a new one for 500,


How about a Glock 19 or Taurus PT92?
Anyways I will get a Sig Pistol eventually like December but I dont have job yet not until June so all I have is $740 to spend and save.
Thank you for the help


New member
glock 19 you could get and still have money for ammo and mags with 700.... but if you really want a sig wait a littl elonger and get what you want... its worth it....I don't really know anything about taurus not my cup of tea


I could do it like this get a Sig in May or June and the following month an AK once I have a steady income and the $500 incentive.


Let me ask this...what purpose at all do you have for wanting an AK? You can't use it for home defense, you can't legally hunt with it. I'll never understand that.

I see kids all the time who look like they're fresh out of HS at the local gun shop asking about buying an AK. I just look at them and say..."why do you need that? you planning on going to war somewhere?"

Now if you ment HK I apologize as they make fine handguns, but I'll never see the purpose for a civilian to be in possession of an automatic rifle.


New member
To Cmdrdredd

You should not discourage someone from wanting an AK if thats what they want. Owning a semi-auto or a full auto does not make one a criminal. There is nothing worse about an AK or any other semi-auto than a bolt action deer rifle. This is the kind of thing that the gun banners like to see. All gunowners should support everyones right to have what ever kind of firearm they want. AKs are alot of fun and in many places they are legal to hunt with.

Shadi Khalil

New member
Let me ask this...what purpose at all do you have for wanting an AK? You can't use it for home defense, you can't legally hunt with it. I'll never understand that.

I see kids all the time who look like they're fresh out of HS at the local gun shop asking about buying an AK. I just look at them and say..."why do you need that? you planning on going to war somewhere?"

Now if you ment HK I apologize as they make fine handguns, but I'll never see the purpose for a civilian to be in possession of an automatic rifle.

It's comments and thoughts like these that push initatives like the AWB and all the brady non-sense. Why should a civilian have an assault rifle? What does a civilian need a 17 round assualt handgun for? why should civilians feel the need for JHP ammo? AK's are fun. I had one for a while, it was cheap to shoot and fun as all get out. I wasent "planning on going to a war", in fact, I bought it wfter the sunset of the AWB for fear that I wouldnt be able to get one later. Now that fear is becoming a reality and I'm kicking myself for getting rid of the one I had. I suggest you re-think your stance on this issuse before your back to ten rounds in your handgun because you didnt think it was appropriate for civilians to own "assault rifles".
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