sign of the times - homeland "security?"


Member In Memoriam

These just went up around all the dams in the Carter Lake, Loveland, CO area.

Anybody else seeing this type thing?

They should cut down on all the terrorist activity we've seen springing up lately - as if. :rolleyes:

BTW, no boat access within that 100' "buffer zone" neither ....

{edited for horrible syntax & spelling ... }
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New member
I recently heard that Crater Lake was OBLs secondary target after the WTC. Boy, were you lucky.:D


New member
I thought these signs went up all over the place on BLM land out in those square states? Isn't this part of the constant battle you are having with the feds?

As for "Homeland Security", "Ah, yes, Akmed. We will teach the decadent, imperialist running dogs a lesson! We will fish in Colorado--without permission! God is Great [AK being shot into the air]!"


Member In Memoriam

These are the first signs like this I've seen anywhere (lived 'out west" since '75) & very disconcerting to me.

More BS from the feds (Bureau of Reclamation holds sway on these lakes), which further curtails the use of "public land," while doing not a thing to enhance "security" (real or perceived).

This lake system is a Larimer County Park, but appears the feds can do what they want.

Will be checking with the "powers that be" manana to see just what the hell's up with this.


New member

maybe we should plan an outing to plant some signs of our own up there. We could make some that say "ATTENTION TERRORISTS: NO FISHING" or


Member In Memoriam
Don't temp me, Jim.

I think back to an item posted by Col. Hackworth (?) that posited we should "be suspicious of" those riding bicycles & wearing backpacks ( :rolleyes: ) - right, in Boulder!? (that should keep the federales busy! ;) ) & "perhaps" keep a more watchful eye on those hanging out by dams, etc. (hmmm, don't know about the rest of you, but he fishing's pretty good in deep water that has a big rock pile (our dams) nearby.

One of our own (TFL moniker ?) wrote a very decent article about how the terrorists have already won - I'm beginning to concur.

In the name of security & safety., we'll watch this madness spread across the land - denying us of everything we once cared about while having no effect on "terrorism." We'll do it to ourself.

Although we can still drive a Ryder rental truck across these dams, we can't fish, walk or skip a stone ... & assumedly, the swim area will be off-limits (soon as the water "warms" up to 50 ;) )

I don't see us hoisting the Red Flag anytime soon - more like The White one .... :barf:



What about Horsetooth, Estes, and Mary's Lake?

Seems a bit stupid, in any case. It's an example of "Have you done anything to upgrade security?"

"Yowza, boss. We put up signs. Of course, we have no capability to enforce this, but it looks good in the paper."


Member In Memoriam
Horestooth reportedly has no signs (the lake's drained anyway for dam repairs), no idea on the others you mentioned, but the two "uppers lakes" around Carter got the signs.

Curious if anybody else is seeing anything along these lines anywhere else. & if we're the only ones, what's up with that ... ?


New member
Last I checked, pedestrian access to the park at the foot of the Wachusett Dam is still prohibited. I can understand guarding the access roads, but what's one person walking in the park going to do to a dam that's holding back that much water? Chiseling would take a long time, and someone would notice, after all. :rolleyes:


westex, careful. Crater lake is in oregon, formed by a collapsed volcano. The original one mentioned was carter lake in CO. Crater lake has no dam. :)


Member In Memoriam

After running some stuff down today (nice, cooperative folks, BTW) we find that for the Carter Lake area alone, a $200K budget has been delivered over to the Larimer County folk to "enforce" this nonsens(As an aside, we can rest a bit easier 'cause that doesn't come out of the park fees, but is being footed by your fed tax dollars - Bureau of Reclamation/a sub-set of Dept of the Interior).

& I did mispeak above - boating is forbidden within 500' of the dams.

The swimming area (adjacent to & immediately against dam #2) will be limited to Fr-Sun only, when life guards are on duty & there will be an armed "security fellow/ette" searching backpacks & coolers ...

Allegedly, armed guards are allowed & are "patrolling" the park, keeping an eye out for "suspcious activity."

Greatest threat perceived is said to be water quality, & it's not so much that they believe they can prevent an actual "attack," but to eliminate the "planning stage" of same.

When asked about how fishing 105" feet away from the same dam (or walking/riding a bike, or driving an auto) would prevent a pre-perp from "planning," they seemed somewhat confused .....

Too, asking about someone just throwing a "water quality lessener" out the window while driving by seemed to be beyond their "security measures."


Oh BTW, lakes, etc. not under the perview of BoR (no, not that BoR ;) ) get nothing regards this extra "protect." You guys are on your own - just as well.
