Sigma and Rust!!! What to do??


New member
Hello, I have a S&W Sigma 40. and I let it set for about 4mth because I don't like to shoot it (rough ass trigger). Any ways I pulled it out and there is rust on top of the slide. How to get rid of the rust and also how to protect others from this happening, That was my only gun till Saturday the 29th, when I picked up Ruger SR9 and Sig 556. Wed I pick up S&W M&P 15 M.O.E. I appreciate anything that truly works and please no bickering


need pics....

if it's just surface rust, oil it and you'r done. I've had good results with a pencil (the graphite is a slight abrasive) for light rust too.


New member
Sigma's have stainless slides just hit it with some steel wool and clp. You can then spray paint it with some krylon camo paint. I painted mine just for giggles not rust issues.


New member
Coat that gun with gun oil, clp, mobile 1, anything will work. The barrels stainless and so is the slide, so as long as you don't let the internals rust you shouldn't have any problem. I keep my sigma as my truck gun, I'm lucky to clean it once a year and I've never had any rust issues. You must be near the ocean or got it wet or wiped it with sweat before putting it away in a non breathing container for this to happen. You can buy a silicone cloth to wrap the gun in but I think if you just wipe it down with some oil you won't have any more worries. Just put it away wet with oil minus the inside of the barrel and your good to go.


New member
I just noticed this was your first gun, did you buy it new or used. I hope you have a owners manual and have learned to disassemble it. I'm a big fan of using clp. I'd coat your gun heavily and then wipe it off. If it was well lubed your trigger may not be as bad as you think. I know sigmas have a terrible reputation but the trigger does get much better with use, just dry fire it or give it some more range time. All guns require cleaning and lubrication for maintenance and to run at their optimum. Kudo's for getting more into shooting and purchasing more firearms. Theirs lots of good tutorials on cleaning and lubing guns search them out and your fireams knowledge will grow as your passion and collection does.

cougar gt-e

New member
I've been using EEZOX spray on my firearms. Lubricates and protects and is even supposed to help clean.

Seems to do ok so far.



New member
I've read the manual and have put it away soaking in its original case. I must have some how got sweat on it. Keep up the great advice everyone.


New member
If your going to keep it in it's original case I'd find a old torn t-shirt and wrap it up with some oil on the cloth, silicone cloths work great, you can also thow desicant packs in the cased to absorb moisture if your in a damp place.