Sights for Remington 870?


New member
I have the 870 express w/front bead sight only. Are there any sights sets that I can mount on this SG without modification? I don't need anything fancy, just something inexpensive & functional. This is a HD SG & range toy.


Staff In Memoriam
what you say tou seek is what is already there... Anything else, IMHO, is un-needed distraction on my HD, hunting, range toy guns...


New member
A buddy of mine put a high vis "fiber optic" front sight on. It just slips over the rib. I've never found the factory bead lacking, but he likes his.


My recommendation is to leave it alone. If you so wish you may have a gunsmith install a smaller bead halfway down the barrel for alignment. It is not necessary either.

Scattergun Bob

New member

The Sage wisdom is that the fastest point for a scattergun is a front bead. I tend to agree with that wisdom. After teaching and attending many "fighting scattergun" classes and some combat time under the gun, i have noted truly most folks do get to the target "fastest" with a bead front.

My eyes are not as good as when I was a puppy so I have adapted my "serious social work" scatterguns to the XS front sight system, Tritium powered. These install easily and so far "fingers crossed" they have held up to my weekly training periods with heavy loads.

Here is the web page, , check them out.

Good Luck & Be Safe


New member
I must recommend the XS big dot sights aswell, I have them on two of my 870's, they are easy to install and they stay on for the long run, and they are the most "tactical" looking front sight replacement beads on the market (If you like the cool factor)


New member
they do make a hi viz magnetic for non ribbed barrels. whether they sit too high or not i don't know. for my vent rib bead, i took a dab of white fingernail polish to it. i can pick that up great.


New member
None of the sighting gee-gaws, Jim cracks or whizbangs will improve your shotgun shooting.

Ask me how I know...:rolleyes:


New member
I just want a front sight that is also going to be useful in low or no light that doesn't require modification of the barrel