Sighting Questions


New member
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Point of aim and 6 O'clock sighting styles?

I have only used the POA but would like to know if the other style would benefit me.


Walt Sherrill

New member
There are no advantages or disadvantages of one over the other... They are intended for two entirely different styles of shooting.

The 6 o'clock style is used with bullseye shooting, and allows you to properly see what is generally a very small bullseye at a great distance. The POA approach (where the front sight typically covers what you want to hit) is used in combat shooting when you're trying to hit something nearer, quickly.

I tend to use a combination of both: I have my sights adjusted so that I look across the top of the sights, with the dots aligned (or the Glock-style box/front sight or SIG dot/bar aligned). For close-in shooting, this approach doesn't make much of a difference, and if I'm shooting the same gun in at bullseye-type targets, at greater distances, it still works.