Sighting in


New member
I've got a remington 597 and a brand new eagle 30 rd mag. my rifle has never really been accurate, so i was thinking about changing that... How would one go about sighting in a Remington 597 .22lr?


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oops... forgot to mention... i'm going to try to fit the range into the schedule, but if that doesn't work, i go to my grandma's a lot this time of year.


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whats the distance your gonna be shooting at and what grouping are you looking for?if you have a scope make sure its not bouncing around.


New member
i don't know what range i should sight it in at and i want a group that i can kill a rabbit with and there's no scope


New member
I agree with Dallas. A 25yd sight in for a standard 40 gr .22LR @ 1300 fps. will allow you to take shots on a rabbit to about 50 yds with little to no correction for range. Your rifle may like a particular brand of cartridge. Find the one it likes best to get maximum accuracy. A moderately accurate rifle should be capable of 2 MOA. That would translate to about 1/2 to 1 inch accuracy at 25 to 50 yds respectively. A 3 MOA rifle would be 3/4ths to 1- 1/2inches accordingly.

After a proper sight in and proper ammunition selection, your marksmanship skills will be the limiting factor as to what ranges you and your rifle are capable of hitting the rabbits vitals to make a clean kill. Always use a rest whenever possible. Practice your marksmanship basics and you will do well, good hunting.

T. O'Heir

New member
You'll have to try as many brands of ammo as you can to find the ammo your rifle will shoot well and cycle the action. The cost of said ammo means nothing either.
Shoot off a solid rest for group only when trying ammo brands. Once you've found the ammo your rifle likes, sight in. 25 yards will do, but see what kind of groups you get at 100.


New member
Be advised that if you are zeroed for 25 yds., using iron sights, and are attempting to shoot groups at 100 yds with a standard velocity .22LR round, your POI in relation to your POA will be about 9 inches low at 100 yds. Use a large target so as to not end up with complete misses. A 2 ft. x 2 ft. target with a 5 inch dot in the center will work for this purpose.


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no answers to the question

maybe my question wasn't that clear, although i thought it was, How do i sight it in? I realize i need to try different ammo... i just want to get it sighted in. i'm not trying to get sub 1" groups at 100yds, i'm just trying to kill rabbits.


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