Sight change

I'm thinking of changing the sights on my Mil Pro PT-111. I don't think I like the Heinie straight eights. It might just be my lack of experience (trigger pull) but I have trouble hitting what I'm looking at unless I place the backstrap of the gun in front of it. Keep hitting low. I do much better with my Hi-point C9 with its three dot sights. Please don't tell me my Hi-point is a more accurate shooter than my Taurus carry gun. If I get new sights (thinking tritium night-sights), can I easily change those myself, or am I likely to have it so off kilter I'll never hit anything? A little advice about sights, sight pictures, and suggested night sights would be much appreciated. Comments about how crappy my less-expensive guns are, would NOT be appreciated. One can only spend the money one has.