Sigarms P220 for CCW


New member
I"d like an opinion on the Sigarms P220 Carry SAS shown HERE.

I've never owned a Sig or even fired one for that matter and would like some feed back on this pistol.

I've got a new XD45 that I'm not completely sold on yet. It doesn't seem to "point" as well as any of my Glocks. A friend of mine has a Para LDA that I'm going to shoot but it's a .40 S&W and I want another .45acp. The Sig is a very nice looking handgun although a bit expensive, especially compared to the XD and the Glocks.

Any insight on the Sig P220 would be much appreciated.

riverrat66 out...
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New member
Go for the Sig

I have 3 Sig 45's... a P220 from West Germany (Home Defense Gun), P220R which I love to shoot, and probably carry it the most. And I have a P245 which does see some carry time, but more in the summer and a lot in my briefcase. So I am sold on the Sigs, and love their 45's. I have NEVER had ANY type of problem with any of mine. They seem to digest any sort of ammo I feed them, they are light enough to carry all day, they are accurate, and they fit my hands well (albeit the 245 seems a bit short in the grip after I have spent some time with the others).

Some say they aren't the best looking guns, but I think they are good-lookin' enough for what they are supposed to do. And they do do what they are supposed to do.

I don't think you can go wrong with one. I have owned just about every make, model, and caliber of handgun over the past 20 years. Have finally settled down on just a few which work the best for me, and the Sig P220 is at the top of my list. But it is just my list, other opinions may vary. Good Luck.


New member
i have fired the sig 220, 226 in .40, and the sig pro in .357 sig, all are fine pistols, even the pro with is at the lower end of the spectrum in price. i highly recomend the 220 for rec shooting and carry. it fits well in my smaller sized hands and recoil is no problem. i prefer all metal frames and the .45 round, cant beat a good thing. reliable too! feeds anything! the east baton rouge sherriffs department here has been using it for years now, and i dont see any change in the future. good luck with ur decision. go with the sig, u wont be disappointed, even if they are a bit pricy, only because the exchange rate and the fact the the swiss make them. but thats another story. oh, also check out the LDA, fired almost all of them! u cant miss. oh, and, if ur gonna shell out almost 800 for the 220, check out the USP.


New member
SIG is an amazing company. They can take a full sized service pistol, one designed to be worn in a fully visible service holster, and through a simple renaming; it becomes a small, slim and easily concealable carry pistol. Isn't marketing great?

SIG got tuned into marketing early, as did Kimber, and they have both been extremely successful in selling many old guns in a newly marketed package. I carry a SIG P225 with some frequency but I will remain somewhat unimpressed until giving an old gun a new name makes it smaller, slimmer and cheaper.

Until then, A P220 Carry will remain just as large as a P220.


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For my personal collection-Not the Mrs's
I have tried/owned then sold most brands of pistol's, and now only own Sig's, 4 of them( P220 Equinox,P220R,P226ST,P229R).
Sigs are 100% reliable, and highly accurate. If you want a Sig, then buy one. You will not be dissapointed. An added bonus, is that it will not be money spent on any type of tupperware.
The P220 will give you a lifetime of trouble free service. Even you have a smaller frame such as myself, with a quality belt/holster(Sparks,Rosen etc) the P220 can be easily CCW'd.
In my very biased opinion, Sig's are the best pistols on the market.


New member
My carry piece is a SIG P239 SAS. The pistol shoots like a dream. I love the DAK trigger system and it is my humble opinion that the DAK trigger system is the best trigger system in existance today for a self-defense or combat pistol. As an added bonus: SIG's SAS pistols are amongst the sharpest-looking pistols on the market today, IMO. SIG's quality and quality control have both traditionally been consistently very high. SIG's customer service has traditionally been amongst the best in the market.

On the "con" side: You can get smaller, lighter pistols, with higher round-counts, that are equally as reliable as SIGs. (For some reason: SIG so far has chosen to leave the field of sub-compact pistols to its competitors.) SIG's quality control has been below-average, for them, lately and their customer service has been terrible.

Regarding the "pointability" issue: You're going to encounter this with just about any non-Glock pistol you try. You're used to Glock's grip angle. Glock's grip angle is considerably different from most other auto-loaders on the market.


I have not shot the DAK trigger. I am not a big fan of assisted DAO guns. So the P220 SAS Carry is not a set up that I would buy. I like DA/SA or SA only guns. By the way your link is to the P220 SAS not the carry model. The carry model is shorter by.6".

I own a P220 and and can easy conceal it in a nice P220/P226 Kramer IWB. IT is a very accurate gun that always and I mean Always goes bang.

The only manfunction I have ever had was with semi-wad cutters.

I think that switching from the Glock the high bore axis might be its only down fall for you.

Good luck.


New member

I have carried the 220 as CCW for many years. At the range, it bangs without any problems. I would highly recommend it to anyone. I own Glocks also and have found that the Sig to be more accurate every time when fired side by side with a Glock.
The P220 is one of the best autopistols made - you won't be disappointed by it. I have one and use it for CCW - it is an outstanding firearm.


New member
They can take a full sized service pistol, one designed to be worn in a fully visible service holster, and through a simple renaming; it becomes a small, slim and easily concealable carry pistol. Isn't marketing great?
Actually, the P220(and also the P226) is a Colt Commander sized pistol, and very easy to conceal well, and comfortably, especially in an IWB type holster. I've carried both and never had any problem doing so.

As a side note to the P220 Carry, I was sorry to see the P245 get dropped from the line. The 220 Carry takes the 245's slide and keeps the 220's grip.

The thing with SIG that I dont understand is, the difference between their full size and compact pistols is really not all that great, a 1/2" here and there, and thats about it. Seems like, "why bother" to me.


Originally Posted by rellascout
By the way your link is to the P220 SAS not the carry model. The carry model is shorter by.6".
Check it out, I fixed it for you. Actually that .6" makes a big difference.

Thats what she said!!!:D

Seriously I think that all depends on how you carry. IWB carry only exposes the grip/butt of the gun so the length really does not matter. To me I would choose the additional accuracy gained from the longer sight radius of the standard P220 over .6" less on the hip.

To each their own. I just think that the SAS versions are just window dressing so they can say they havea new pistol. Don't get me wrong I love Sigs and like the P220.


New member
Thats what she said!!! :D
If that's the case, I want the one with looongest barrel.

I just think that the SAS versions are just window dressing so they can say they have a new pistol.
After owning 3 butt ugly Glocks and then the XD45 I think the SAS is delightful and pleasing to the eye. The P220R Carry Equinox is also a very attractive firearm. I own a Springer Bi-Tone Ultra Compact V-10 w/Houge Grips that is a beautiful handgun and happens to be the most accurate out of the box gun that I own.
I guess what I'm saying is, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some people like plain-jane guns just like they like plain-jane cars and others like fancy guns. I know these fancy schmancey guns have their place and I certainly wouldn't carry one into combat or use one as a service pistol for that matter but as a carry piece I think they would fit the bill very nicely.
Surprisingly enough I just started carrying my XD45 IWB for the first time and was amazed how comfortable IWB carry can be with the right holster.

The only problem I can see was the "pointability" issue and that was addressed by a couple of gentlemen as caused by changing from the Glock because it's grip angle and low bore axis is so superior that mastering any other pistol could take some getting used to.

I think I'm talking myself into a new pistol! :D Maybe I'll just stop by my favorite gun shop and have a "look" around tomorrow. :cool: I just sold a rifle last week and happen to have some extra money burning a hole in my pocket. ;)



New member
I highly recommend the Sig P220 for CCW. I tried the "compact" P245 for awhile, but found the grip too short; I used extended 8 rd. mags to extend the grip, which totally defeated the idea of being "compact" and made carrying a spare mag even harder. So it's back to full size P220. I own 2 of them and won't buy another semi-auto. I do have some revolvers for target and collecting (S&W, Colt & Ruger) but only carry my Sig P220.