Sig Trailside, safety wont move??? Disassembly instructions?


New member
Safety lever wont flip to safe. Wiggles a hair, but seems to be blocked by the safety plug (black bit of plastic that protrudes from back of slide towards shooter?)

Lube and wiggling seems to do nothing.

Anyone know how to disassemble the safety?
Gonna place a call to Larry's Guns if I cant figure it out.


New member
Hammer is in frame/grip portion, similar to an AR-15. Safety assembly is up in the slide. Slide detaches for cleaning. I don't think the hammer position would have an impact on things...but Ive been wrong before:D


New member
There is a position that the safety has to be in, up or down, that will allow it to be tapped out. There is a small spring, and a steel detent ball behind the plug that holds the safety in. I am not sure on the position of the safety. Once its out, you have to watch to not lose those parts.

Here's a tip for you: Do it with the frame inside of a large freezer bag, so when the ball inevitably pops out, it will be in the bag instead of on your floor somewhere.

I also have a Trailside, but I have yet to take it apart.
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