Sig Sauer or H&K


New member
I'm currently looking for a new 9mm handgun and I can't make up my mind about those two brands. The choice is between the H&K USP, P2000 or P30 and the Sig P229. I shot Sigs and H&Ks before but that didn't really help me make a decision, they are both excellent handguns :D

The reason why I want to get a new 9mm is that I'm bored with my Glock 17 and Browning HP. They are very nice pistols, but I want something new ;) And since I already have a SA and "DAO" handgun I want a traditional DA trigger now.

I would appreciate it if you can give me some pros and cons on the pistols I mentioned and why you prefer either one.

Also, for those who like H&K, do you prefer the standard or compact USP? And one last question: size-wise, the P2000 is closer to the USPc, right?

FWIW, price : Sig > P30 > P2000 > USP


New member
Both are very nice shooters but I got rid of my Sigs just cause they are too fat for hands....I love my USPc and P2000SK though.


New member
Thanks for the quick answers so far. Are the P2000 and P30 worth the added cost? Are they a big improvement over the older USP series?


New member
ALOT of people prefer the P2000 to the USP cause the interchangable backstraps and that you can add a light/laser without using an adaptor. Both my USPc and P2000SK shoot about the same but you just gotta see whats more comfortable to you and if the rail difference matters. I didn't own my P30 long enough to get really used to it, I got rid of it just cause I wanted something for carry and it was a little big and the grip was rough on the skin....hense me getting the P2000SK (which is now my favorite carry gun).


New member
I like the H&K compacts, a very nice gun in 9mm. However, I think you'd make a better deal on a Sig 229 than you can on H&K's. I am not really a huge fan of the new H&K's. I liked the USP series a bit better, but they did thin the new ones out a bit in comparison.


New member
I'd go with the Sig... in fact I did go with the Sig. I've heard wonderful things about the P2000 and I would like one some day, but the Sig is best for me. I never really took to the USP.

Sgt Pepper

New member
H&K of whatever flavor. This is coming from a guy who has owned Sigs for years. Sigs are great for range pistols or law enforcement only, but otherwise, they just haven't kept up with the times as far as size and weight. The P228/229 is ridiculously fat in the grip for what it is, and the P239 is in a class of its own (and that's not a good thing). Sigs pistols tend to have a fantastic trigger for a DA/SA gun and have exceptional fit and finish and build quality. That being said, if you just have to have a Sig, then go get one of the $300 P6 (P225) police imports and enjoy life!


New member
You honestly cant go wrong with the P229. HK's are obviously great but IMHO the Sig is a better value and a sweet gun.


New member
Odd models to compare. Are you wanting a polymer gun or an all metal gun?

Either material suits me just fine ;) The pistol is (unfortunately) not going to be carried, so weight is not an problem.

the Sig is a better value

I think you'd make a better deal on a Sig 229 than you can on H&K's

A Sig usually costs about 300€ more than an H&K where I live...

Dust Monkey

New member
Boy you must have small hands to say a 228's grip is thick. HK or Sig? Both are execellent pistols. I would suggest the Sig228. You probably can find a CPO. The are great 9mm's and mecgar makes a flush fit 15 round mag.


New member
They are both good handguns. I don't own a Sig, but have shot enough to know that I would like to have one. I would like a 226 and a 220. I do own 4 HK's. My latest is an HK45. This is the best plastic I've ever had in my hands. The accuracy is as good as most but not all of my 1911's. The ergonomics are second only to a 1911, and its got a pretty good SA trigger. The DA sucks.

I realize you didn't put as one of your choices, the P30. Why is that. This pistol has great ergonomics also, with the changable backstrap. It may be something you wish to consider.

Conn. Trooper

New member
Just keep in mind that if something ever goes wrong, or you want parts or service, HK has the worst customer service and repairs/parts on the planet. Hands down. My vote is for Sig. Or try S&W. They make excellent guns and their customer service and warranty/repairs are excellent.


New member
I have two p229s (357 and 9) from a few years back that I like really well. I bought the 357 originally when I went into buy an H&K. The store owner, who my dad grew up with, suggested that I get a Sig over the H&K due to issues he had getting any service out of H&K. I use it just to shoot paper and dont carry (yet) so my needs may not be the same as yours.
Either material suits me just fine The pistol is (unfortunately) not going to be carried, so weight is not an problem.
Unless you are needing a light gun for carry, go with steel every time...more specifically stainless steel. :)

Polymer is a compromise of materials for lighter weight.


New member
Since I love SIGs that's what I would suggest. I've heard that new P228's can still be found and they're one of the nicest pistols made.