SIG SAUER 1911-22 Range Report


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I bought my Sig Sauer 1911-22 last Friday and was really excited about it. I did an initial review with a promise of a range review.

I was pretty busy on Saturday and was unable to get to the range. On Sunday, I had a few things to do in the morning but my afternoon was open. My original plan was to shoot offhand 50 rounds of each type of 22 lr ammo in rapid fire for a function test. Then 50 more rounds of each ammo type at slow fire to test for accuracy. Well, my morning chores spilled into the afternoon and it took a few hours away from my planned shooting regimen.

I used the following ammo:
- CCI Standard Velocity SV (40 gr lead round nose at 1070 fps)
- Federal Auto Match (40 gr lead round nose at 1200 fps)
- Federal 550 Round Value Pack (36 gr copper plated HP at 1260 fps)
- Winchester 555 Rounds Value Pack (36 gr copper plated HP at 1280 fps)
- Remington ShurShot High Velocity HV (36 gr lead HP - unknown velocity).

The day started out nice enough but by the time I got to the range, the wind was picking up and it was sprinkling a little. I put up my target which was a poster board with twelve 6” circles drawn with either a red or green Sharpie with a little half inch dot in the middle as the bulls eye. Distance was 7 yards.

First up was the CCI SV. This is one of my favorite ammo and it has never failed to go bang in any of my other 22 lr pistol or rifles. I loaded up the magazine, racked the slide and sighted in for the first round. Ten rounds later and I am really impressed with the trigger pull. This trigger is almost as good as my Sig 1911 and a lot better than the stock trigger that came in my Milspec. Barely any slack and it broke nicely. Reset was fairly short and due to almost no recoil, follow up shots were fast and easy. The end result, 50 rounds, zero malfunction. Group was around 3” in lower right quarter of the circle.

Second up was the Federal Auto Match. 50 more rounds without a single problem. I was not surprised as this ammo performs just as well as the CCI. The shot group had a core group that was about 2” in size but a few flyers doubled the group size.
I continue to be amazed by this trigger. It is such a short pull and very smooth.

The next one is the Federal value pack. At round number 32, it had a failure to feed. Looking down at the slide, the ammo was at an angle to the barrel. I dropped the mag and the ammo came down after it. Inspection of the ammo showed a deformation, probably from the position it was on the barrel. I inserted the mag and loaded the next round. The rest of the rounds fired without any further hiccup. Groups were again in the same lower right quarter of the circle. 49 out of 50, not bad.


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The fourth ammo is the Winchester bulk pack. First shot fired and ejected the case. Pull the trigger and nothing. Dropped the mag, pulled the slide to reveal an empty chamber. Oh boy, here we go again. Same thing occurred with my SR22. Inserted the mag back in, racked the slide and the 9 left in the mag fired without any problem. Reloaded the mag, inserted, racked and loaded. First one good, second one did not chamber. I started to laugh out loud because this is exactly how it was with my SR22. And just like the first, after reracking the slide, the 9 in the mag fired. Now the third mag was different. The first two fired then the 3rd through the 6th round stove piped. The only group of ten that had no issues was the fourth mag. The fifth experience FTF on the 2nd and 3rd round. 8 total malfunctions out of 50 for this ammo. When it did load, it fired and it had the best group size. Probably because I could not fire as rapidly as the other ammo types due to all the stoppages.

The last one to get tested was the Remington ShurShot. I have stayed away from Remington 22 lr ammo due to its negative performance out of other pistols and rifles I have shot. I experienced all types of malfunctions and duds plus they seem to be quite dirty too. But this packaging seemed different. It was a 300 round pack and it also had a lead HP instead of a copper or brass plating. It also stated high velocity so I had to test it out as the Sig manual states to use HV 22 lr ammo. The package does not say how fast it is but after shooting the first round, I knew this was definitely faster than the others. I also noticed the smoke that came out with each shot. There was one FTF on the fourth mag. It was the same problem as the Federal bulk. The group size was also comparable to the Federal bulk. And like the Federal bulk, 49 out of 50, not bad at all.

Also if you are counting the bullet holes, not all fifty rounds of each was shot into the same circle. I shot other circles drawn on the poster board as well as targets.

I also fired another 50 rounds of CCI SV just to make sure that the malfunctions were not due to the gun being dirty. And then I shot another 100 rounds of the Federal Auto Match after I found an 8” round metal plate at the berm and stood that up at 25 yards. It got old walking back and forth to set it back up after a good hit knocked it over so I hung it up on the target board using a rope I found. I couldn’t stop shooting at it as each hit made a nice ring sound and it spun the target. But alas it was getting dark out and my fingers were actually cold from being a little wet. Funny how you don’t feel the discomfort while you are shooting.

Lesson learned from this range trip. It likes the CCI SV and Federal Auto Match. It is okay with the Federal and Rem ShurShot. It does not like the Winchester. The groups were all in the lower right quarter of the circle. I will have to wait until the next range trip to see if I need to switch the front sight to the medium and adjust for windage on the rear sight. Also it could be me shooting offhand at a fairly rapid pace. I pulled the trigger as soon as I’m back on target. And as quickly as I can load the mag, I am shooting it again.

Which bring me to one negative aspect of this pistol. The magazine or rather having just one. I ordered a GSG mag from Midway. It will be here in a couple of days. If the GSG mag works out, I will probably order a couple more.

The best hing about this pistol is the trigger. It truly is that amazing.

I'm going to give my pistol a good cleaning and I hope to get out to the range again next weekend to work on the accuracy of my Sig 1911-22.
I think it will be another good session. Rain or shine. And of course I will add to this review.


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Nice review. :)

I swapped out my front sight for the #2 and it's dead on.
And I agree ... the trigger is sweet!

To help improve reliability, I polished the cocking lug on my Sig.
It really made a HUGE difference.


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Types of ammo used





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Type of ammo used




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@Dino - I'm thinking of swapping to the medium front sight as well and may even adjust the windage to the left a little. I'll shoot a few this coming weekend before I switch.

@Leejack - yes we do! :D


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Received my GSG mag from Midway on sale for >$31. Only difference is the plate has GSG stamp vs Sig Sauer. Fits good. Hope the weather cooperates and I get a chance to go to the range tomorrow.


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Range Update

The weather cooperated today. Well, it was sunny and fairly warm (60s), but the wind was still blowing a little. I brought the usual ammo plus Blazer 22 lr. I started it off with 100 rds of CCI SV. Accuracy was fairly good. When I started off, I shot twenty and was hitting low right. So I switched the front sight from the high to medium height. This put me almost on target. It's still hitting a little right. I did not mess with the windage. I'm leaving that for the next time. The best group was also shot with the CCI SV.

Here are the rest of the results.

Remington Shurshot - 50 rounds - zero failures, not the most accurate group wise but it functions.

Blazer - 100 rounds - looks almost like the CCI except its rated at 1235 fps. This felt as good as the Federal Auto Match. Zero malfunctions.

Winchester - 30 rounds - the story holds on this ammo. Maybe I bought a really bad batch. The first failure was the same, but the second mag was failure to feed, stovepipe, failure to eject, stovepipe, and that's just the first five rounds. The last round also failed to rack the slide back enough for it to hold open. I thought that it might have been the way it fills up the mag, so I loaded both mags with five each. Almost every other round had a problem.

Federal Auto Match - 50 rounds - zero failures, dependable and fairly accurate. I shot this after the Winchester to make sure it was not the gun that was causing the malfunction from being dirty.

Federal Bulk - 50 rounds - no malfunctions.

Accuracy offhand with about 20 rounds is around 2-3" at 7 yards.

CCI - after adjusting sights

Best 10 shot group - CCI

Blazer Ammo

I'm very satisfied with my 1911-22. I plan on adjusting the windage next time at the range. I'm also looking to replace the sights with metal ones. The cut out does not seem to be the same size as standard novak sights but maybe I can file one down to fit.


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Thanks for taking the time to review and share photos - nice job!! And good job in trying different kinds of ammo :)