Sig Pro

Marko Kloos

New member
I like the SIG Pro. USed to own a SP2340 in .357 SIG until it was sacrificed on the trade-in altar for a 10mm Glock 20. They're very sturdy, they look good for a polymer pistol, and they feel good in the hand and point well. Mine was as accurate as any SIG I have owned. They're a little bulky, as they were intended for LEO holster carry, but they are nicely rounded and have slimmer slides than the other SIGs. I may get one again, this time in .40...they're great guns, especially for the price. A SIG Pro will set you back $450 out the door in this part of the country, as opposed to the $600 for a P-series SIG without bells and whistles. They come with two different grip backstraps for normal hands and bear paws. My only beef with the SIG Pro was that the famous easy takedown of the SIG series does not apply to the SIG Pro, as you have to pull out the slide stop lever to disassemble the pistol. I'd recommend it to those who can look past the "It's not a real SIG 'cause it's plastic" denouncers.


New member
Get mixed reviwes. Some love em, some hate em. Wow, what a surprise? :)

I've shot several in 40/357. None of the 40s worked for me. Frequent failures to go into battery evn after a long break-in period (5K rounds w one of em). All the 357s I fired were fine, and if I dropped the 357 bbl in the 40s, they worked fine for me. Put the 40 bbls in the 357 and jam city again? Coulda been me? But I have company...

The local rental range has one, and they say the get the same complaints from shooters who rent it; seems to work better in 357 than 40.

DEA approved em for use in 40, so they musta worked fine for them?

I'm confused!!!


New member
We had one at the dept. for T&E a while back. It was a DAO 40S&W. It had a terrible trigger. The ergonomics were decent but I couldn't get past that trigger. Very gritty, heavy and creepy. Nothing like the butter like smoothness of my P226. We even had one of the factory armorers try to "tune" the trigger. It was better but it still sucked.

I'd pass on this one if I were you. There are so many, near perfect, pistols out there to choose from that I wouldn't consider this one.


New member
I have a SigPro in .40 and also have a drop in barrel .357Sig. Have had the gun for about 7 months now and about 500 rounds thru it not one prob. :D It shoots great also very accurate too.

Good Luck
Sig calls it the modular gun. Very little work they want us armorers to do. :( School was only 4 hours compared to the regular 2 day school.

Gary H

New member
I sold mine. I finally decided that I didn't like SA/DA triggers. Ignoring the trigger, it is a comfortable, reliable and accurate gun. BTW: I sold it at a good price for the buyer and the gun had few rounds shot. Hint Hint