Sig P232 vs Kel Tec P3AT


You're kidding right? ;) Like comparing filet mignon to hamburger. If money isn't a concern(never should be) then why even compare?


New member
The SIG couldn't be that bad, it's not chopped liver. It certainly doesn't hold a candle though to the P-3AT when it comes to size & concealability.

I'd only get the SIG if it wasn't going to be a carry gun but then why get a pistol that size in .380? A Makarov or Kahr would be a better choice if you wanted a pistol that large.
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Marko Kloos

New member
The SIG is bigger and heavier, but much easier to shoot well, and much more elegant.

As a pocket gun, the P3AT is better, but the SIG is a tool that's more appealing in both appearance and function.


How about caviar to pezz?

I agree and know what you mean, but you would be surprised at how many might prefer pezz to caviar--believe it or not :eek:


New member
This is one of those many questions where you've gotta ask "what are you planning to use it for?"

I have a P232SL and love it a lot although it is heavy and snappy as mentioned above. For pocket carry it is not a great choice, and the price-point is higher than some alternatives. But, it is built very nicely, accurate, reliable, not ammo-fussy, and pretty to look at -- all pluses in my book.

Eric Larsen

New member
Well.....lets see, Ive had the Sig, FEG's, CZ's, Mauser, Keltec (currently wifes CCW),Bersa and other 380's....and the apples/oranges is relevent. You have Pros and Cons for both guns.
Sig.....excellent fit and finish, reliable, accurate and nice trigger.
KT.....Small and light, excellent DAO trigger, as accurate as the Sig easily!!!!! Locked breech for less recoil than similar guns and inexpensive to buy.
Sig...Large for a 380(compared to others), expensive, ammo picky on 2 guns Ive shot, snappy recoil for some shooters.
KT....first run of guns had probs with pins (resolved), lots of negative stuff posted on the internet that some people will actually listen too!

Both have great qualities and negatives......Shoot them both and make your choice........

Shoot well.


Other are correct, the 232 isn't exactly a pocket pistol, but it's worlds ahead of the Kel Tec in the quality area. No "fluff and buff" needed for a Sig.

Old Shooter

New member
The Sig is an elegant weapon but the KelTec is a tool. I carry the P3AT as a pocket summer carry and don't give a second thought to dropping my keys or a knife in the same pocket.

When I'm wearing jeans or shorts and a polo shirt I'm looking for concealability and comfort - that's the reason the KT exists for me.

I own several "elegant" guns such as an STI, the S&W 1911 DK, and a hard chromed CZ97B, and even a Bersa .380 (some of many) but hands down that little KT fits the bill for a pocket carry without having to worry about scratches.


New member
Sig vs Kel-Tec

uch, I wouldn't go so far as to compare keltec to yugo. Kia maybe

No wonder I like my Kel-Tec so much. My Kia's about the best car I've ever owned.

Sometimes the price IS a factor. I'd rather have an inexpensive gun, than none. I'd rather drive an inexpensive car than walk.


New member
A quote from Old Shooter:
The Sig is an elegant weapon but the KelTec is a tool. I carry the P3AT as a pocket summer carry and don't give a second thought to dropping my keys or a knife in the same pocket."

I too have a P3-AT and also a NAA 32 which are both "pocket pistols" (carry the P3 now, the NAA was to heavy for dress pants). I just have a real hard time thinking that you would put anything else in the same pocket as your pistol. I NEVER put anything in that pocket when I carry, or even when I do not have the pocket pistol with me. I want that hand to be reaching for only one thing. I have read posts where folks have shot them selves pulling out a set of keys.

That is just this man's opinion.


New member
Personally, I'd take the Kel-Tec over the SIG. KT is more concealable and downright effortless to carry. The SIG .380 is a copy of the Walther complete with all it's flaws. If you like that size and caliber and had to have a Walther copy, I'd buy a Bersa Thunder .380 over the SIG anyday. Another Walther copy with the bugs worked out. I have a friend with the Bersa Thunder .380, he's fired a few thousand rounds thru the thing (NRA instructor, is his teaching AND carry gun), and it's still in great shape. Want a molded grip, check out the FireStorm .380, basically the Bersa with an older frame design and a rubber grip.


New member
I have a Bersa Thunder 380 which after hundreds of rounds and dirty as hell refuses to jam. A better comparison would be Sig 232, Bersa 380, and Makarov. The PA3T is better compared to guns in the same class.