SIG P210 - Good Deal?


New member
Today I purchased a Danish military SIG P210 (m/49) from a friend of mine for $950. It has a fair amount of wear on the original matte finish but is mechanically perfect, very tight and smooth as butter. Also, it is very very accurate and a joy to shoot. The recoil is unbelieveably light, alot less than my CZ-75B.

The question is, did I get a good deal? :D


New member
I can do the math, doofus, what I didn't know was how much the Danish military models were worth, not the pretty new ones. :p

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
What are you asking us for?

NO! That deal SUCKS!
Quick - give me that guys name and number!

(ten minutes later new thread:
JUST GOT MY P210 for under a Grand!!!!)


New member
The scary thing is, my friend got the gun a few months ago from some guy who had no idea what it even was for about $700. :eek:


New member
Shot a bunch of S&B FMJ through it and it worked perfectly. Shot right to point of aim, seemed extremely accurate. Trigger is about 4lbs and PERFECTLY crisp.

Stephen A. Camp

Staff In Memoriam
Hello. I'd say you got a "decent" deal, money-wise, on these Danish police pistols. Probably carried a lot more than it was shot. I've seen 'em sold from about $800 to a thousand or so, but considering you got a P210 that will likely serve just as well as a new one, for much less, you got a "good" deal.


PS: You likely already know this, but be prepared for "sticker shock" when and if you price new factory magazines.


New member
An M49 "should" sell for no more than $800 if it was one of the original imports. An FFL friend sold the last one he had last year and got $850 for it.

There are a lot of thieves trying to get $1000+ for them. At that price I would pass.

I would say if the finish is worn you got a marginal deal. Not ripped off but nothing to brag about.


New member
Small detail, it's not a police pistol. M49 with Danish proof marks: crown & "FKF" for "Defence Warmateriel Administration."

Last I checked Danish police used Walther PP, then USP.


New member

I don't know about the price and value of your particular pistol, but it will likely remain a joy to shoot as long as you own it. About the only complaint I have against stock P-210's is hammer bite, this is the only hand gun I own (out of many) that I've left "stock".



New member
You got a deal in my book. I bought one the Danish M49's in early 2000 for a grand and felt that I got a good deal. Mine presented itself in about 95% condition, and given my family's Danish heritage, I couldn't resist (inside joke, several family members were in the Danish resistance in WWII). It proved to be the most accurate autoloader I've ever owned. I can still recall the joy of racking the slide on that finely milled machine, hearing the "ka-chink" of the barrel lugs unlocking like the proverbial bank vault. I sold it to raise funds for a Winchester Model 21 (Ahh, Model 21, dark mistress...)
Anyway, enjoy it, and don't let anyone convince you that you paid too much. They are finely crafted machines through and through, despite their rough military finish. I could never shoot mine up to its ability.
Have fun!


New member
I'm not too concerned about the investment value of the thing per se, since I intend to keep and shoot the thing. I mean, this thing is a fabulous pistol. If it is worth oodles of cash, great, if not I'll probably have it re-blued by Sigarms so it looks pretty.

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New member
If this gun has traded hands a few times, and nobody knew its worth, I would be suspiscious it is stolen. Do you know if its clean ? You may want a LEO to run a computer check for you.


New member
To me, you got a deal. I'd also get it re-blued.

It looks good and it is a shooter. Great to know that people put in that kind of effort in a duty pistol.