Sig or Glock for CCW?


New member
I'm having a tough time deciding on a carry pistol. I currently have a CZ-75, but that's a tad large for carry (even on a 6'3", 205lb frame). I've never carried before, so some advice from those that have used these pistols would be GREATLY appreciated!

My style of dress is jeans/slacks, with a t-shirt/polo shirt tucked in the summer. Winter is no prob due to other concealing garments. I'd hate to be relegated in the warmer months to a unkempt appearance with untucked shirts.

Of the pistols I've tried (1911, Sig 229/239, Glock 19, Steyr M9, various HK, various Smith revolvers, Beretta Cougar), I liked the Sig 229 and Glock 19.

Here's the list of candidates as of now: (looking for 9mm)

1) Sig 228/229 - Shot a 229 in .40 - best grip in the hand, excellent shot recovery (even in .40 which I don't like!). My concern is it's a bit large for IWB semi-comfortable carry?

2) Sig 239 - Shot it in 9mm. Like the idea of a stainless slide in a smaller package than the 228/229, but the grip wasn't as comfortable with my large hands, and the trigger reach was too SHORT. It's still in consideration as I've heard great things about this pistol with Hogue grips (does the trigger reach change?).

3) Sig 225 - They have one at my store right now. :) Nice, slimmer than the 228/229, haven't shot one. The grip is slightly more comfortable than a G19 (in the store), not as nice as the 228/229. Capacity is fine. Is this SIGnificantly more concealable than the 228/229?

3) G19 - Wow! From the way the 3rd gen felt in the store, I thought I'd HATE it at the range. The finger grooves are not in the best of spots on my big fingers. However at the range, it was very controllable, and didn't bother my shooting after 75 rounds. The grip angle is a bit funky, but I'm sure I'd adapt. :) The grip was better than the 239, but worse than the 229.

4) Kahr P9 - Nice little pistol in the store, but the grips are almost too thin. I'd add a Handall JR for sure. I'm not sure wth the size how the FEEL of the recoil would be, with not one to shoot in my neck of the woods. If reliable and controlable, a great size for carry!

Note: all had good triggers, though different. The mechanisms of each of these doesn't bother me. I like bar-dot sights a LOT, and perhaps that's why the Sig's sight picture realigned quicker for me. (though the SIG and G19 were at least as fast as my CZ75)

Any input on the reliability/use of these pistols for my intended purposes and what can/can't be carried easily would be great. I plan of course to get a quality holster for my carry piece, and likely ashley's, Heinie's, or Novaks for night sights. Thanks!


PS: I'd also like to be able to take this pistol to a long, involved course such as Gunsite or Thunder Ranch. It doesn't seem to me like you should train that intensely without the weapon you'd be carrying.
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Moderator Emeritus
P-229/229 and G19:

Either one will do the job just fine; go with the one that feels more comfortable in your hands. The P-239 would be even easier to conceal.

David Scott

New member

You didn't list any crap guns, so the process of elimination is up to you and what works best for you. I would suggest that concealability, while important, takes a back seat to reliability (which all these guns have) and your ability to make quick, repeated hits (which only you can judge).

I'm a short guy, 5'6", but I carry a Ruger P95, which is larger than most of the arms you mention. I do so because that Ruger fits my hand and my shooting style, and I know I can hit three separate targets in three seconds from leather. I have a small collection of vests for concealment. Around here (Daytona Beach area) neither a fisherman's vest nor one with a motorcycle logo rouses any suspicion.

That said, the SIG P329 and Kahr P9 would probably be easiest to hide. My advice? Buy one of each, carry one strongside, one crossdraw and two in ankle holsters. :)


New member
My CWP gun is the Glock 30. It is a compact 45acp that holds 10 rounds. I shoot GREAT groups at the range and it has little to no kick.

But who ever said you can only carry one gun at a time... Have fun take both the Sig and Glock. :D



In my humble oppinion the Sig 239 is the best ccw gun that sig makes and its one of the best ccw guns out their. I prefer my Glock 33 with LEO +2 extensions now but I used to carry a 239 off duty and I loved it. It was a great gun. Very thin, accurate reliable. I had one in 9m and then later sold it for one in 357 sig. That was my carry gun for a long time. The glock 19 is also a fine gun.


New member
the Sig 229/8/6 have lasergrips available for them. CT also has one for Glocks but it adds the emitter infront of the trigger guard. the grip model puts it above your hand on the top of the grip, looks nice, im looking into a Sig 226/9 in 9MM because of those.
goto products, Sig.


New member
I'd go with the Glock 19. Thats the one I carry most often. Easy to break down and clean. Not affected by moisture, or dirt. Never has it failed to fire when I pulled the trigger. Nothing to remember to push up,or down,click in or out,etc.etc. Just point and shoot when you need it..


New member

Thanks for the input so far!

I'd love to be able to try the 239 with the Hogue grips (saw a good picture on Hogue's web site today. They're redone it in a really nice way!)

With the Hogue grips, does the rear lower rounded portion of the grip frame not dig into the heel of the hand as much? This is really my only beef with it. I also know that Hogue's will make it a bit fatter, which would fill my hand nicely.

I picked up a 228 today, and ohhhh, it felt nice. Nice balance and grip. However, with the size that it is, I could probably conceal my 75B. :rolleyes:

Also the Kahr felt nice, though a touch small as I mentioned before. Perhaps the K9 elite is an option, as it's still smaller than the SIGs, and about the same weight.

Keep the good input coming folks! Thanks again!!



New member
I like Glocks for my carry guns. My current favorite is my G30.

One reason I like them so much is corrosion resistance. Sometimes there isn't much time between home and work and about all the time I have is to just throw my weapon in the safe and head right out of the door. More likely than not it is dripping with sweat, so much that it literally drips out of the barrel and magazines. I also do a lot of saltwater fishing in the bay and don't worry about the salt attacking my Glock. Yes, I do eventually clean my weapons when I get home, but I definitely don't want to come home to a weapon already starting to rust!

Polymer guns are a bit cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter when it comes to wearing them next to your skin. Plus Glocks are pretty darn ugly. I don't worry about bumping them or getting a scratch on them. With a Alloy or Steel frame weapon it would drive me nuts to have a scratch on my precious finish!

Either way..Glock or Sigs, they are all great weapons. It all boils down to what you like the best.

Good Shooting


New member
The Glock will be much kinder to your clothes as it has very few sharp corners or other protrusions which eat holes in fabric in very short order...
The S&W 3913 I carried for a time was real bad about it, but the Glocks and Kel-Tecs aren't.

Sgt Pepper

New member
One point on corrosion resistance and the Sig P239 - it has a stainless slide on an aluminum alloy frame. You won't be finding any acute corrosion on it. I have used my P239 a lot out at the ranch in various weather conditions, outside overnight, etc., and have seen nil in the corrosion department.

Brian Williams

New member
I carry a G19 after work iwb, 5'9" 210 no problems at all I really like the KISS principle for CCW. My wife does not even know that I carry. she either holds my hand or snuggles where G19 ain't.

I have not had the chance to shoot the other choices you mentioned, just my $.02 of what I have and like.....

I put a hogue grip on my G19 and it covers the feeling of the odd finger grooves. the Hogue also keeps it from sliding around IWB.


New member
P-229 ... I'm 6'1" 205# and carry mine every day IWB @4:00 and find it comfortable with the butt canted forward where it tucks nicely over my hip. I chose the P-229 for its shooting ergonomics and the relative ease with which it tames the .40 round. It also turned out that the P-229 packed nicely to boot. It seemed more sensible to me to choose a sidearm which I shot well and then figure out how to carry it, rather than to choose for carry comfort and then wrestle with it at the range.

Billy Bremner

New member
My personal preference is the SIG. I believe that the P239 is a tremendous platform for concealed carry. The Hogue finger groove grips will help in grip comfort. I doubt that the "short" trigger will be affected, though.
