Sig Legion PVD finish wear


New member
I know there are a million threads on this already...but I wanted to have someone check my photos. My P226 Legion has around 600 rounds through it, I'd guess. I'm seeing dark gold on the frame already, and part of the slide appears to be shiny steel.

I've been using CLP to clean and ALG go juice as lube as well. I don't run the gun dry.

Per the gray guns guide, this seems to be wear I should not be seeing at 600 rounds?


Photos here.
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New member
We've had threads similar to this in the past. In the end the question is what do you want? We can certainly sound off for you, tell you if we also think that the wear you're seeing seems excessive. But even if we do think the wear is excessive, that leaves you with a pistol with excessive wear. If your goal is to get SIG to take the pistol in, then it doesn't matter what we think to be honest. You could get hundreds of people to agree that the wear is excessive, but the key is getting the customer service rep from SIG to agree. To that end you have to call SIG and see what they say.

As far as what I can tell, those wear guidelines are typically in reference to the metal rails on the frame, IIRC. By that I mean the thin parts on the side of the frame. Given the thinness of the material there that's why excessive wear is a concern. That spot to the rear on top of the frame you highlighted usually does develop more wear in the SIGs I've owned. Although whether you should have that much wear at this point is obviously your question. I've seen varying levels of wear on SIGs lately. As for the machining marks on the slide, they may well be just that. Unless it impedes function though I'm not sure it's an issue. Kind of annoying to be sure, but still.

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New member
That wear is totally normal for the SIG p-series guns. I have three, including the 9mm LEGION 226 which is my EDC and has several thousands of rounds through it and looks just like yours.

For 600 rounds, that is about right. Most of the wear you will see happens pretty quick and then tapers off to slower more normal wear.


New member
+1 on normal wear. My Nitron coated p226 had the same wear pattern on the rails after a few hundred rounds, but then no more. Because this is a spot where metal slides against metal and the fit can’t be too tight r the slide won’t operate properly, they have to use less of the coating and it wears off faster.

Just lube or oil those areas when you clean it and it should be good for years and years.


New member
I agree with the others that it will taper off but will add I've been using grease on all my aluminum framed Sigs like forever. Slide Glide works as well as any of them and seems to stay put pretty well.