Sig hammer seemed to 'bounce'


New member
I went to the big gun shop around these parts and I did a little sightseeing. My trip was preempted with "Sweetie, we can't buy a new gun right now...will you look for a holster for me?" from the old man and his 1911. Ok Ok :rolleyes:

While there, I asked to see a Sig 225, the next step in my gun hoarding..uh collection :D I worked the slide, worked the decocker, the mag release..etc etc. I got the go ahead to dry fire, cool, so I pointed in a safe direction and pulled the trigger. It felt decent (I'm use to my Beretta). But when the hammer fell, the click just wasn't the click I expected, and the hammer seemed to bounce when it hit :confused: This is the first Sig that I handled up close and comfortable. I immediately noticed the materials, the sounds of the gun etc (again, use to my Beretta).

What are the general characteristcs of a Sig. Does that question make sense? Every gun is different, I guess I'm just looking for your thoughts on them, those that have em. As for the bouncing hammer, was that just me...or? You know, it almost seemed like the hammer wasn't solid. Eh, I'm just thinking outloud. Any input would be appreciated.


New member
Hello Shorts,

I have a Sig P230 9x18 that the hammer bounced back a little when dry fired. Know the feeling. Changed the hammer spring to an x-power and it stopped doing it. So I figure the one you tested was used. Or if new, somebody put the wrong spring there. :rolleyes:


That is called a "rebounding hammer", as Warbow aludes. If you hold in the trigger after dry firing you can push it forward and back. As soon as you take your finger off the trigger the intercept comes up and blocks the hammer in that position.

This is something Sig added in the late '70s as an additional safety device, probably to back up the automatic pin block during decocking.


New member
FWIW. Just checked my P230. No rebound. Moves forward, though. Same as my P5. Btw, the Sig 9x18 contract was mid-70s I believe.


If it moves forward, how does it not "rebound"? Does it stay forward?

I've never examined a 230 - it might be different then the 22Xs, but your description doesn't sound different. Could you clarify?


New member
Sure, my pleasure.

Dry fire, either SA or DA. Keep trigger back. Push forward hammer with left hand finger. Release hammer. Doesn't release nor can't be moved back further than the original position it started in. Same as the P5.

Before the new hammer spring, it could be moved back from the original position it started in.


New member
BTW, European-style mag release. Decocker. Leaves half-cock . Except for the left-hand thumb and index finger. :rolleyes:
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Push forward hammer with left hand finger.
If you've just dry fired it, and it didn't rebound, the hammer should be resting against the firing pin already. How is it that you could push that hammer forward? Forward from where?


New member
Now I get what you're saying.

It is not resting against the pin after dry firing it. Resting about 1-2mm away from the firing pin. The rebound I was talking about initially in the thread was more significant than that. Could actually move the hammer back without difficulty.

BTW, hammer on mine is flat. Not a notch with a slight curve. Flat. Like this, l-(upside down L). Unlike the P230s that I just looked at in GB and GA.