Sig GSR XO Problems

Austin Cowart

New member
Hello, I Purchased my GSR about 2 months ago. I had always heard amazing things about Sig Arms and the quality controle that acompanied all of their product but it seems one sliped threw their fingers. I noticed that atleast the first 2 rounds and the 8th round were jamming very consistantly with both clips so i sent her back to Sig for service I just got her back and she loads basic ball ammo alright now with bery minimal jamming but she cannot load the first round at all when using hollow points.

What do i need to say or do to get Sig to fix this problem the second time around?


The Body Bagger

New member
Austin unfortunately you missed the part of how bad the Sig GSR's are. While Sig build extraordinarily good firearms, their GSR and to a lesser extent Mosquito have been absolute disasters. Sorry for your bad luck, but who would have thought someone such a Sig could screw up a 100 year old design so bad?


New member
I have to say that the GSR Revolution Rail that I purchased a couple of months ago has so far only had the problem of the rear sight screw backing out under recoil. A little bit of loc-tite can cure that problem. I've used the Novak mags that came with it, and Wilson Combat mags, and so far haven’t had a stoppage of any kind. I will say that on the first round with hollow points you have to (and always should with any gun as I see it) let the spring take the slide into battery. If you ease the slide forward then the hollow point can move into the wrong angle and catch. I'm not sure if that’s a problem in your case but its something I noticed so I thought I would share.

Austin Cowart

New member

Thank you guys. Polar Bear I hear you and thats why I am so irritated with this gu because the bullet wont even load when i let the spring take it. Hum maybe i can find someone as foolish as me and sell her and get a taurus instead.


New member
I’d try Wilson Combat mags in it. The Wilson mags support the nose of the round with a different follower design than the Novak’s that come standard with it. If that doesn’t work then I’d send it back to Sig to have it checked out.