Sig 238 reliable?

Mr Lucky

New member
I am interested in knowing from those who own one, what the general consensus is on the Sig 238 .380 reliability. I'd like to know if anyone has needed to return a 238 to Sig for repairs. Has anyone had any problems related to FTF, clocking, ejector or other. Have you been mostly satisfied or mostly dissatisfied? would you recommend this pistol to a friend?

Don H

New member
Welcome to TFL!

While you are waiting for responses to your post, a forum search using the term "SIG 238" may answer some of your questions or bring other questions to mind.

Mr Lucky

New member

Thanks. I'm on a couple other gun forums. I'm just learning the ropes here. I know there are are several Sig 238 threads here when I do a search. I don't want to beat a dead horse.


New member
Lucky you asked ....:) most threads I've read are complaining about unreliable P238s. I took a chance in spite of that and bought one. Mine runs like a Swiss watch. Great little pistol IME. Saying that with about 400 rounds without a glitch. Time will tell.

Mr Lucky

New member
There are many fine pistols out there. I am partial to Sig. The 238 is not a Colt Mustang and Mustangs are not being made anymore. I know there are some issues with the 238. I also know Sig is aware and doing a good job of CS. I'm happy that yours is working fine with no big issues. It is a great little pistol. :cool:


New member
Mine wasnt at all reliable. It was accurate, and an easy shooter compared to other .380's I own, but the reliability thing did it in for me.

I considered sending it back, but after hearing all the reports of guns going back multiple times, with no joy, I figured I'd just cut my losses and get rid of it. The gun was expensive enough, I wasnt in the mood to waste any more time and money doing R&D for SIG. I did take a bit of a beating, but the Glock 26 that replaced it, is better for my blood pressure.

One thing that did bug me about the gun was the safety. While it was very positive, and not an issue in that respect, it was very loud, when you swept it off. When I say loud, I mean in the same decibel range as an M1/M14 or an AK's safety when they are taken off. If I'd have kept it and used it, I'd have carried it with the hammer down on a loaded chamber, and thumb cocked it. Much quieter, and requires about the same effort.


New member
I own one. It had problems. I returned it to SIG on their dime. They fixed it in 4 weeks as promised and returned it on their dime. It's been perfect ever since through 300+ rounds. I could have bought pretty much any other brand of firearm and had a problem with it. It's my 4th SIG and the 1st I had to involve SIG customer service. I was treated very well. All of the superlatives about low recoil, accuracy and decent trigger are right on the money in my estimation.

Dave Krobath

New member
I have had mine for almost 2 years now. It's my pocket carry gun and it is flawless. Lost count what I've shot thru it cause it's also fun to shoot at the range and I take it there alot. I can't say that about any of my other pocket pistols. But I understand your concerns I've been there with 2 Keltecs in the past, a PF9 and 3at both jam o matics. I sold them off but my little sig was a great buy for me. I guess I was lucky and got a good one. Hope you do too.


Flint Ridge

New member
Sig P238, accurate, attractive, comfortable, exceptional night sights, a SA trigger that only gets better over time, easy to rack, low recoil, and most work just fine and might be getting better?

Mine was post recall, 09-09 and not reliable. 1,400 rounds of pure hell I am sad to say. Countless phone calls, messages and emails most all of them unreturned. Placing a message on the machine was a placebo only. Conversations with CS tended to be rather unpleasant, though I am known for my amazing easy demeanor and ability to get along with folks - but only up to a point where their complete ignorance shows.

I sent it back a total of 4 times. The final one for a complete replacement and they were really not wanting to do that at all. I had to ask for management. They had promised to replace it the time before that and did not. They sent me magazines in the mail, told me replace the recoil spring that had less than 100 rounds on it. They would take it in and do nothing with it and sometimes they would seemingly randomly change parts and pieces. The best part was them fixing one problem and it coming back with another issue. Just shoot it more - was a common refrain. Or limp wristing - I always fired 2 hand grip...

To all those folks with ones that work - thank me as I had to take the hit for somebody else. Man did I want that thing to work. Every time I would head for the range with the new "fixed" gun. Only to have FTE or FTF sometimes on the first round back from Sig. I have countless threads on the Sig Forum with exact % of failure and round counts...

If you get one, I presume you have a very high likelihood of getting a good one. Or if you do have a problem they will fix on their dime. But if it bad - then good luck Sir.

Somethings to consider - it is or should be getting better. They are on what the 3rd or 4th mag follower style? Recoil springs suffer early failures - not the 1,500 round claim. The HD slide issue. What about the different styles of hammers that are changed now - Why are the hammers notched differently? I am thinking something did not go well - you don't retool in mfg just for the fun of it.

I've got other Sig's that are old school and work perfectly - I "knew" this one would work the same.... Silly me.

Let us know what you end up with. I got a Kahr P380 and love it, but some have issues there too. Also an Ruger LCR in 357 and it goes bang at the right times.

Mr Lucky

New member
I appreciate all the replies.

It is not good to hear about parts that do not work correctly. I have known about some issues with magazines. I was recently told by Sig that they have a completely different recoil spring with a new part number. I'm also not liking what I hear about poor QC. I have had pretty good luck with Sig Customer service.


New member
WOW. never heard so much bad PR about a SIG. hopefully my 250 doesn't give me problems. then again, i'm already past the 2500 rds mark lol.

Flint Ridge

New member
Mr. Lucky, for the most part it is just the P238 and maybe the Mosquito. Plenty of others as you see have great experience with other Sig platforms. 100% happy with all my 232SL's.


New member
238 Contentment

I bought one about 3 months 27A01XXXX...and was happy with it until it developed a disconcerting habit of having the slide latch pop out while manipulating the slide every time the disassembly notch lined up with the latch. Once a round was chambered at the range and then the round was fired it functioned and fed well. Just when the slide was racked slowly the problem popped back up. When I field stripped the pistol I had seen that the latch spring had a bent end which was apparently forcing the latch out into the notch. I corrected that and then fired 3 boxes of AE 95gr hardball through it without a burp. That's the only problem I have had. I bought a beautiful set of custom grips for the pistol and then researched the magazine shortage and discovered that Metalform sells mags for it with their logo for a 3rd of what Sig charges. Absent proof to my conclusion I can only say that, with the fit and finish of both, that MetalForm probably makes the OEM mags for this gun. The followers are exactly the same in shape and configuration and the mags I bought elsewhere while Sig pretended that they were "backordered" on theirs function perfectly in my P238. I have a P-229 and 2 P 239s and I have trouble understanding why Sig treats Sig owners like they were born last night. According to their "warranty" mine is now void. SHame.


New member
i've been carrying a 238 since they came out. like the mustang it's based on, it can be finicky about what you feed it.
i run mine with winchester white box for range shooting and hornady cd for sd.
it won't reliably feed buffalo bore flat nose, and is marginal with golden saber.
i loaded soma black talon bullets to +p and they run fine.
most of the issues can be resolved easily.
mine is more reliable after 500 rounds and a feed ramp polishing


New member
....most of the issues can be resolved easily.
You mean something like confirming the gun works before it leaves the factory so there arent any issues in the first place?

Easy how?


New member
Mine has been great (May '10 build date). Feeds Buffalo Bore +P hardcast, Winchester FMJ flat nose, American Eagle FMJ, CorBon +P JHP, Remington Golden Saber FMJ, Hornady XTP, Federal Hydra-Shok, Winchester Silver-Tip.... basically you name it and it works save one. That being Herters brass cased FMJ. Damn stuff wouldn't feed. Mic'ing it seemed to indicate it wasn't within SAMMI specs... brass cases too wide.

Anyhow, I have recommended this pistol to friends who know I pack it 24x7 as a BUG or warm weather stand alone.

I'm a long time 1911 user and find the controls both familiar and reassuring. Of course the Sig is NOT a mini 1911 but it does have that feel :) BTW I've never heard anyone but the one guy complain about the "snick" in swiping off the safety.

If you do the searching on several forums you've mentioned, you'll find the same few loudly documenting their dissatisfaction. They had issues and weren't made happy in most cases.... truly a shame. The rest of us played the odds and came up smiling.



New member
As with most things, youre either a lucky one and had yours work, or like some of us, not so lucky. For what they get for them, its pretty aggravating when they dont. Spending more to get it there, just adds insult to injury.

If youre going to have a "beta" model, then sell them cheap and with full disclosure that youre really not ready for the release, and youll make sure those who buy one, will get a good one once they spend the time and money doing their R&D for them. This goes for all of them too, not just SIG. Personally, I think SIG screwed the pooch on this one.

Dont get me wrong here either, Im far from a SIG basher, just the opposite. But in this case and unfortunately for me, of the 18 I've owned, the P238 was the one I had a problem with.

It sounds like SIG is starting to get them turned around, but still isnt quite there.

Heres a couple pics of mine, want to trade? :D



Oh, and I'm the boy who had the annoyingly LOUD safety. Not at all discreet. Yours is quiet?


New member

P238 and "reliable" don't often collide in the same sentence. Eventually SIG may work the bugs out of that gun but for now...I'm staying away, I've heard and read WAY too many reports of problems with them I'm a member over at the SIGforum and members there constantly cry about their poor, sick P238's. Shame too, they're great looking little guns.

Mr Lucky

New member
I'm a member over at the SIGforum and members there constantly cry about their poor, sick P238's. Shame too, they're great looking little guns.

Yeah, I know. I have also heard of a few guys getting banned there for being more outspoken about 238 (fact or fiction) issues than what the forum administrator is willing to tolerate.