Sig 220 St


New member
Picked up a Sig 220 ST for a late Christmas gift last month...finally got to shoot it yesterday...That thing is a tack driver! Puts my USP compact to shame..and that's hard to do. A definite keeper. Heavy as heck, but no more so than a 1911. Any other 220ST owners out there chime in!


New member
"Heavy as heck..."

Likely a reason it is such a tack driver in your hands.


The STs have made my wish list. Maybe next year...

The Reaper

New member
Have one, like it a lot. Definitely makes me look good at the range. It is my CCW piece right now, displacing my P228. It is heavy compared to the P220, but I don't mind the weight.


New member
Say, fellas,
Does the cartridge in the chamber of you 220ST's rattle at all? Mine does so I called SIG and they said they're aware of it but it's O.K., not to worry about it. Can't figure out why it does that, the chamber doesen't seem oversized.


New member

You just bought yourself the finest .45 in the market today.:D

And thanks for that comparison comment against your USP45. I too did that comparison of the USP to my P220ST and previous P220 blue. And this ST does put it to shame. It is one heavy gun but just like most 1911's as you said. But it shoots where you point it and is the most accurate .45 out there IMO out of the box. And you do look good at the range, hehe. People will even ask you about it and may ask to shoot it. Can't wait for Sig to come out with that new tactical light made just for the P220ST. It should be coming out sometime this year. Just don't use CCI Blazers and you will be a happy camper.


I think you emailed me about the rattling. Not sure, but if not, mine doesn't rattle with a round in the chamber. But there is minute rattle sound, but it sounds like the barrel instead of hte round. But that maybe normal due to the extractor. But you will not have any gas leakage or such. Seems normal and just some variant with your own particular gun.


New member
Can anyone give me more details on the difference in the way it shoots compared to the alloy P220 or maybe a full size USP45?

Pistol Meister

New member
My favorite .45 pistol is the P220ST.

I had Teddy Jacobson perform his "magic" trigger job on mine and the gun is unbelievable. Tack driver that throws out 1/2" hunks of lead.



New member
Comparisons? Anyone?
I will not be able to shoot one before purchasing, so details of how it compares to a full size USP (Tactical) or standard P220, would be very helpfull.


New member
Sorry for being a newb, but ST is stainless, and tack driver means it's super accurate?? Thanks!


PS - The P220 and USP .45 are my two choices for my first gun right now!


New member
What's the appeal of Stainless? I bought a P220 partly because it was so much lighter than an M1911.


New member
"Can anyone give me more details on the difference in the way it shoots compared to the alloy P220 or maybe a full size USP45?"

I own both a blued P220 alloy framed and a P220ST. I have fired and handled a USP45f many times. These are my three favorite .45 cals. The P220ST is of course the heaviest and has the least recoil of the three and the USP the lightest with the most recoil. The P220ST is the most accurate while I would say the USP and P220 is about the same though I will vote the P220 is a bit more accurate in my opinion than the Hk. The P220 IMO has the best feel of the three. Not too light or heavy. The trigger pull on the P220 is probably better than the P220ST and USP but not by much. The P220ST is much much more consistent in accuracy than the P220 or USP45. It is a point and shoot weapon with great accuracy. I have never truly seen a non modified or out of the box .45 shoot more accurate than this, with the exception of the P220Sport. But the sport "is" modified although by Sig, the manufacturer.


New member
Ok this may sound like sacralige but, I want to get the 220ST BUT, I can't stand the shiny look of Stainless. It looks great in the kitchen and some furniture, but I really have an aversion to the shiny, "look at my gun", pimp-gun attraction shiny pistolas. Is there a finish that can be applied to stainless steel to tone done the shine?