Sierra Club gives away an Alaska hunt!!!


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Fellow members:

On page 57 of the March/April Shooting Sportsman magazine the Sierra Club has a full page advertisement with the headline, "Win a free hunting trip to Alaska." Quite an attention grabber, I must say!

When I read further into the ad seeing that the Sierra Club is the hunt sponsor and that it is a hunting essay contest my B.S. radar went up immediately.

I quote from the advertisement:

"To promote a more complete understanding of the value of hunting." And, further in the ad, "Winning essays will be published in a booklet form for use in outdoor education."

These statements really put my B.S. radar on overload!!

As with all things Sierra Club something does not pass the smell test!

First, there is something totally out of character about the Sierra Club wanting to cough up the cost of a guided hunt.

Second, I imagine that a cursory attempt to include the hunters point of view in an otherwise slanted, liberal "booklet" so when this "outdoor education" effort is pushed on our kids and grandkids, in schools, and outdoor events, the Sierra Club can say they showed the whole picture.

Third, it seems obvious that the Sierra Club will be collecting "Hunting Essays" to better understand the hunting community and its thinking, not for the sincere understanding, but in an effort to collect data on the hunting community's thinking to form stronger anti-hunting, anti-gun and stronger preservation arguments.

In short I cannot believe this is an honest effort to demonstrate "conservation", and "highest and best use of the resource" as Gifford Pichot advocated at the start of the 20th century, when the U.S. Forest Service was started. (Gifford Pichot was the first U.S. Forest Service Director and advoced conservation, not preservation. I wrote a book about this, it's name I forget.)

I created this thread, not only to raise awareness and to sound off but to ask for advice.

I feel strongly that this contect and the collection of essays need to be shut down. What is this community's advice? A letter writing campaign, raise awareness with the NRA, SCI, etc. Find a group to publish another "booklet from another point of view?

Hey, I'm open to ideas. Sound off!!

For full disclosure, I will be posting this on two other sites in an effort to bring awaremenss to a larger audience - so don't flame me for that.


New member

The Sierra Club doesn't, in my experience at least, engage in this sort of artifice. They pursue their goals in a broad no exceptions manner, none of which evoke Pinchot. And their membership, generally incapable of understanding the need for mixed use forests, would be terribly confused.
The only way I could see something atypical like this is that they are trying to enlist hunters as strange bedfellows in the opposition to privatizing national forests. --interesting tho


New member
Interesting thought


You raise an interesting point I hadn't considered. Yes, sometimes politics make strang bedfellows.

Having lived in the Rocky Mountain West virtually my entire life, I forget about the large tracts of "tied-up" private forests as in the Southeast and the Pacific NW.

Thanks for raising the point.


New member
Hunters have a vested interest in wildlife and preservation. The Sierra Club has a vested interest in wildlife and preservation.

Seperate they still have some schwing, together they have 2X the schwing in influence. This makes the polticians set up and notice.


It's not like their auctioning off an oil drilling vacation in Alaska.:D

If the Sierra Club is "adjusting" its alliances, so much the better. Hunters would make an excellent addition to their efforts, and Sierra Club support of hunter/gun issues may be a possible long term result.

Some people don't like SC, but they usually keep things above the board. This isn't like PETA asking for essays on Philly Cheese Steaks.


New member
wonder if they'll angle for hunter support to keep the drilling away.

"If they drill, you hunters won't be able to come up here" or something to that effect.


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ANWAR is not the long term solution to our energy problems....its just a band-aid we can use to fix things up in the short run.


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if i ever get my hands on some land i'm going to open up a tourist trap: "Drill your own oil". kinda like some people do that 'Pan your own gold" thing? if they get any oil on their drilling attempt, they get to keep it. it may or may not be pockets of motor oil i bury underground.

plus i'll like pretend to be a shaman and foretell their future.