Sierra 135 grain match king


New member
I went to the range today with my Savage .270 Win, some 100 grain Speer HP's, some factory ammo and some Sierra 135 grain match kings. Since I was shooting for precision and not accuracy the rounds were all off vertically because the powder loads varied but the groups were good. All the ammo except the match kings were centered on the target horizontally. The match kings were 5 inches right of point of aim though!:eek:

The same thing happened 3 days ago. I had a variety of handloads and all were point of aim horizontally except the match kings and they were 5 inches right then as well. I chalked it up to my error then but today I was exceptionally careful with all my handloads and got the same results. Is this in any way unusual and did I do anything wrong?

Match Kings were seated 3.340 COL with 4 rounds loaded with 53.5 grains of H4350 and 4 with 54 grains of H4350. Note: Lee shows 53.5 as the max load but I called Sierra and they said 55 grains of H4350 was the max for this bullet. Brass was Win and primers Federal LR.

Jim Watson

New member
I don't know what it was for sure but will speculate some sort of change in the vibration pattern, not operator error. Gun barrels vibrate when shot but it is not a flat plane twang, but a complex motion one ballistician said traced out a figure 8 at the muzzle. Different bullet, different vibration.


New member
Thanks. At least the deviation is consistent so I can correct for it. I just haven't seen anything like that with any other bullet.