Sideways shooting training?


New member
I was watching an episode of Tales of the Gun on the History channel. There was a clip of some Israeli training session where the shooter engaged the target, then twisted the gun over to the side. This was the first time I have seen a competent shooter do this other than playing around. He wasn’t just styling either, he maintained a two handed hold although he didn’t fire again. Anybody have an idea about what he was doing?


New member
What he was doing??? Probably watching too many American movies. Did he have his helmet on sideways or shoot his Galil over his head (LA offhand). Oh vey, you mushugina, homeboyeee!

For some reason the Israelis carry unloaded weapons and turning on its side is part of the deployment drill, along with jumping up and around. Purportedly some instructors teach to fire out of this reloading phase.

Seems very wierd to me. I guess there is some law in Israel where the Arabs have to allows them to fight with both hands. "Not fair! You blew my arm off with an RPG before I could deploy my Israeli jumping bean pistol style."


New member
He wasn't loading or reloading. He had already fired, then quickly twisted the gun over while maintaining a firm two handed hold. Actually his hold was solid enough that it looked as if he twisted his shoulderes a bit to turn the gun 90 degrees.


New member
Are you sure it was a full 90 degrees?
Though I do not recall the name of it, but there is a shooting style that tilts the weapon about 45 degrees. I use this when I don't know the accuracy of the sights, then found out it was a legitimate shooting style.


New member
I'm not sure how far he went. He turned the gun quickly and then the clip ended. Looked like 90 degrees to me.