"sideways gun sights" picture needed


New member
Can somebody please point me to the funny picture that was posted a few months ago of the "gangbanger" pistol with the sights mounted on the side of the slide?

Thanks in advance.


New member
"Allmon said he learned the HoMeBoY wasn't real soon after returning from last month's Public Safety Committee meeting. He said the rights to free speech and to bear arms are to be respected, but, he added, Birdman's Web site raises serious concerns even if its products are only concepts. "

Gimme a break...:barf:

Steeler Fan

New member
He said the rights to free speech and to bear arms are to be respected, but, he added, Birdman's Web site raises serious concerns even if its products are only concepts.

The Nanny State at it's worst. We must protect those who are too stupid to protect themselves!!! :barf:


New member
I am both disgusted and offended

That a "Police Captain" would be so ignorant as to give this credence.

Also, that a "Police Captain" or any other public official thinks the murders of young black men is related to inanimate objects and artifacts. What a pack of idiots.

That story is dated 2001. I wonder how many of those effectively incompetents are still part of the city government? If any, that's too many.


New member
Has anyone tried shooting their semi-auto that way. The way most eject shells it seems to me that it would increase the probability of jamming. I was just wondering if it would.


New member
Actually, back in the 1970's there was a guy who converted Browning HiPowers to full auto, and they were equipped with a "handle" that would go over the top of the slide. The gun was held sideways (what we now consider "gangsta" I supopose) and a right handed shooter held the gun in his right hand, and the additional grip vertically in his left.

In any event, your defensive handgun should function at any angle.

chris in va

New member
Has anyone tried shooting their semi-auto that way. The way most eject shells it seems to me that it would increase the probability of jamming. I was just wondering if it would

I don't go around shooting it like that, but the couple times I've tried it the gun didn't jam or anything. The slide will still eject in the same fashion.
When I was with American Rifleman, standard testing of every semi-auto handgun was to fire a magazine with the gun held ejection port up, ejection port down, and with the gun fully upside down.

Very few failed to function.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
That Glock and Gut picture isn't so far off - haven't we seen gun magazine pictures of guns with spikes and underslung knives. American Handgunner maybe? A Kimber?


Active member
There's no reason why a good smith can't mount up some trijicon sights HoMeBoY style. If I ever get my hands on an old glock slide, I might just have this done for my Glock.
Boy some times the people in charge are just too stuffy. C'mon any body with a little tiny bit of sense of humor could tell that it is meant for entertainment .


New member
Left handed thugs shoot that way to keep the hot brass off of them. When done right handed, most hand guns will throw the brass right in your face. And I would think that this type of hold would pull your shots high.

With forensics being what they are to day, the criminals around here are moving back to revolvers. .357 and .44s seem to be what they are pulling out of victims now.
"Boy some times the people in charge are just too stuffy. C'mon any body with a little tiny bit of sense of humor could tell that it is meant for entertainment . "

Lots of things that are very funny don't exactly cast a good light on those who are amused.

That's the simple nature of the beast, and one of the reasons why threads on this subject have generally been locked fairly quickly - they devolve into a bunch of stupid, and not too positive, comments.

So far this one hasn't.