Sick of Real TV Shows... I've Got 2 Words for You: Combat Mission!


New member
I was watching Entertainment Tonight, and they said that the USA network is going to be doing a show with ex-special forces guys going at it with each other. I think it's going to air every week like Survivor. I wonder if they'll use simunitions.
I'd pay to watch that...

Now *that's* entertainment. That should be interesting - I'd tune in to watch people shooting each other, especially if it's more reality based than some of the shows I get...


David Scott

New member
I just read the rules, and I think it's a shame that it's limited to members of US services and agencies. I think the show would be a lot better if you tossed in the SAS, GSG-9, Omon, and a team of Israeli paratroopers. Maybe this season they'll pick a US winning team, and in the second season do a global competition.


What they need to do is drop 50 ex-marine, ex-green beret, ex-secrat service, ex- navy seals (not the old crusty kind:)), etc, on an Island with 10 rounds and a 1911 each. Each guy has a helmet camera, to record whats going on, a beacon, so the network can show us where each guy on the island is, and each has a cellphone to call when he's the last guy.
In 6 months the crew goes back to pick up the winner and give him the $49 Million prize. He also gets to keep the gun, camera, cellphone, and any bullets he has left.

Now who wouldn't watch that?


New member
Who do you suppose will actually show up? Surely the Best of The Best are still involved in SpecOps or can't be spared for 21 days... we'd only be getting money grubbers, right?


New member
Seems to me that this might be a good promotion for the military, help with sagging enlistment so they might send some of the good guys.

Jeff White

New member
Active and Reserve Special Operators Forbidden from Competing

This weeks Army Times has an article that says USSOCOM has prohibited current members of the command from participating. They say it will go against the image of the quiet professional they try to build.

"Events prohibited include, but are not limited to, 'combat boxing' events, 'tough man' contests, 'combat missions' competions, survival events, non-DOD competitions pitting special operations forces and other elite government agencies against each other, and similar events."

So Best Ranger Competition= GOOD....USA Network Combat Mission show= BAD....

I happen to agree, soldiering is a calling, like the ministry or medical profession but it's not a spectator sport. The whole concept smacks of Roman Circuses and gladiators to me.



New member
Sounds like the policy could also preclude operators from being involved in any shooting competitions where another operator is present, unless DOD approves.


New member
Seems to me a way to get a lot of G2 on how specops guys work and train without having to leave your La-Z-boy.


New member
Both Survivor2 and Tempation Island have junior officers on them. Navy for TI and an army captain on Survivor. I think they should be banned this type of trash as well. Especially Tempation Island. If I was that guys CO and saw him on TV we would have a serious discusion about conduct not becoming. While I dont know of any laws or regs that were broken, I find it a poor example.