sic semper anti gunis


New member

"Why don't you move to another state?" "Why stay in Maryland?" "its so anti gun"

i prefer to think of it as a target rich environment



New member
I wonder how it will look when I blow it up to 8.5x11 and plaster it on the door of my dorm room...



New member
dZ: Your kids (if you have any) would be booted out of school so fast they'd need a heat-shield to re-enter the atmosphere.


[Edit]: That image on a thong?! :confused: and I thought I had a strange sense of humor...


New member
Well Cas Taylor certainly has his undies in a wad over his electile disfunction,
so i figured a thong might be appropo


maybe we could order them for Sarah Brady

can you imagine her opening that package!


New member
That's heads on partizans, not really on pikes. The 'winglets' at the base of the blade put them outside the usual realm of pike...


Dex Sinister

New member

<innocent look> But.... Shouldn't the heads be settled more firmly onto the blades? Brains don't really provide all that much resistance....



New member
Anyone have the addresses for the Re-election campaigns for these individuals? How about 16,000 reminders of why they lost!:D


New member
Taylor told The Gazette that he would seek to stay in state government if he loses but does not want the job of treasurer, which is held by Nancy K. Kopp of Bethesda.

Taylor lost his election by 71 votes out of 11,000 cast and has asked for a recount, which will be complete by the day after Thanksgiving, in time for Dec. 2 vote for speaker by the Democratic House caucus.

'A trophy'

The Maryland Court of Appeals' decision earlier this year to toss out the legislature's redistricting map played a critical role in the Taylor-Myers race. The speaker was running unopposed until the court put Myers into his district, and Myers won about 70 percent of the vote in the Washington County portion of the district, while Taylor won 61 percent in his home Allegany County portion.

"It's obviously the shock of my life," said Taylor, who had predicted an easy victory.

In addition to redistricting, he blamed a campaign of distortions from Republicans and the gun lobby for his likely loss.

"The Republicans from downstate took advantage of the target that the gun lobby created against me by singling me out as a trophy to defeat," Taylor said. "They did it with a tremendous amount of carpetbagger distortions. ... [They] distorted the issue so badly that people in Washington County were convinced that I was singlehandedly trying to confiscate their guns, which was an outrage."