SHTF Rifle?

Dave P

New member
What rifle should I get for this - I can carry more ammo with a 223, but I like the asteroid penetration capability of the 308...

Astronomers Monitoring Asteroid
Wed Jul 24, 7:18 AM ET
By JILL LAWLESS, Associated Press Writer

LONDON (AP) - Astronomers are carefully monitoring a newly discovered 1.2-mile-wide asteroid to determine whether it is on a collision course with Earth.

Initial calculations indicate there is a chance the asteroid — known as 2002 NT7 — will hit the Earth on Feb. 1, 2019.


New member
That asteroid would require a .50bmg at least. Since I do not have a .50, my 45-70 guide gun will have to do.

Ok asteroid.......



New member
If your only tool is a hammer, you start seeing all problems as nails.
I guess asteroids are God's way of determining our priorities.

What, are you preparing for a disaster 17 years from now?

Do the math and look at the geological record. If an asteroid that size hits the earth, it won't matter what guns you have. After all is said and done and the dust settles, the new overloads of the earth will be the cockroaches and humans will likely be extinct.

Nanaimo Barr

New member
"Hot Fudge Sundae is on Tuesday this week"

(Lucifers Hammer, Niven and Purnelle)

just cause we don't see it comeing, don't mean it ain't coming. more people work at your average McDonald than are involved in skywatches worldwide

I think the last 2 big near earths ones we spotted AFTER they were past us....


New member
Well this one is pretty big, but not big enough to wipe out the whole planet. It's a "continental" size asteroid. If it hits a continent, the continent is going to be toast. If it hits the ocean, we'll get wet. It's happened before.

My own personal opinion is that knowing your neighbors is the best protection. For firearms, a .22 is the very best. Ammo is easy to carry and stockpile. It can take any game in North America--just not ethically. If you're starving, a humane kill isn't going to matter much. You can get a CZ 452 for $200, and it's a MOA shooter. With the right ammo it will do real nasty things to any extras from "The Road Warrior."

A good .223 is also a nice choice.


New member
Dave P,

Since you live in FL, if an asteroid hits in the Atlantic you don't need to worry about it long enough to get hungry.

Just like me, if an asteroid hits the Pacific, CA won't be around anymore.

Dave P

New member
17 yrs should give me enough time to fully evaluate and develop a pet load for my rifle(s) of choice! And I'm not sure CWL, but my house is 13 ft above sea level (~600 yrds away) so I figure I'll have just enough time to inflate my raft before the tsumani hits :eek: !


New member
February 1st 2019... That is just 6036 days away, 144840 and a few hours. I wish they could be a bit more accurate when they report these things. When they just give a date like that, no time of day or even time zone, I can't plan my life properly, don't even know if I have time for breakfast before it hits.
the asteroid penetration capability of the 308...
Seriously, what is best, .223 or .308? Let's look at the numbers. To keep it simple I will assume a muzzle energy of 1250 ft-lb for the .223 and 2700 for the .308, and I will assume the bullets have that energy as they hit, otherwise the calculations would be somewhat complicated. Considering the kinetic energy of the asteroid as it enters the atmosphere, it will take (approximately) 2875783600000000000 rounds of .223 to stop it, and only 1331381000000000000 rounds of .308.

Taking into consideration that a .308 also has better range, so that you can start shooting when the asteroid is further away, I would definitely go with the .308. You still need one he!! of a cyclic rate, though... Not to mention the kind of lead you would need to hit a target moving at 93,545 fps...

Too bored for my own good, you say? Naah, I'm just having a slow day at work. :D
(But I wouldn't be the least surprised if the next poster points out a mistake in my calculations, I'm not bored enough to double check.) :)


New member
Lets see....17 years from now. The way things are going I will just be getting ready to retire...dang it.

Least I won't have to worry whether Social Security will still be around:D


New member
Last words of Pepperbox : "Pull!" *BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM* "... oh shi ..."

Ahh, a real life game of

Guess we all better start practicing our astroid skeet shooting.



New member
My weapon of choice for an asteroid situation would be a Thor mounted on an Atlas mounted on a Saturn carrying a seven+ payload MIRV with remote detonation command modules. I figure if we can blow the asteroid to pieces before it is close enough to hurt us, I can stll go to HEB for my groceries.

I'd also like to see at least 1/100th of the budget for the WosD go to Sky Watch. (It's for the children, don't you know?)


New member
After trudging through the long ramblings of "Boston's Gun Bible", his conclusion is a .308. His first choice is the AR-10.

I have to agree. However, it has to do with what else is in your closet. If you already have a bolt .308 you could add the AR10 for commonality of ammo. Or, you could add the .223 to broaden your selection. You could then shoot cheaper at the range and also shoot pdogs and coyotes.

The answer of course is to have both an accurate bolt rifle in .223 and .308 and also a battle rifle in both. Then add 20-30 other cool firearms and truck loads of ammo.


New member
I can't believe I did this.

I took UltimaThule’s round count (no, I didn't check the math) and figured out how long it will take to shoot the asteroid away. You can do it if you fire about three Billion rounds a SECOND, but you have to start today. That's with the 223. Perhaps this proves the SHTF advantage of the 308 since you would only need to fire about half as fast and the barrel would last longer.

On the other hand, a really big slingshot firing something the size of a small mountain might be more effective. Plus it’s a single shot so it would be more reliable.

Yes, I too have a bit of time on my hands.


New member
You're all wrong. A rifle is not what we need. All we need is Bruce Willis and a nuke. :D That should do the trick.
