SHTF/PD/Hunting Sniper Rifle 6.5 Grendel or .308 in AR?

Which would you choose for SHTF-all-arounf rifle?

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Alrighty folks As the title implies I am in need of some input, opinions, ballistic data, etc. for an all-around SHTF (which inevitablly it is going to) rifle for personal defense/CQB, hunting/sniping per se ITET (in the event thereof). I have been considering the 6.8 SPC cartridge for its better downrnage blat's over the very-sucky-unless-its-within-350-yards-IMO-5.56/.223 & more "umph" factor being a heavier bullet, but I want something with all of that in mind plus a little or rather more range & donw range power with a flatter shot. From all I've read thus far most say the 6.5 Grendel as opposed to the venerable .308. I understand the common sense of it all but having never fired the Grendel am a wee bit biased to the .308 yet I'm a believer in change.

Of course having both are in the near future for giggles but am looking to replace my current 5.56 as if just don't do it for me any more. Course donw the road I'm more than likeley going to opt for an additional AR upper in the .458 SOCOM or .50 Beowulf. In the perfect not to damned expensive world these are left-hand side chargers with a mi-length short-stroke piston systems blah, blah, blah. I figured "The Hide" on here would be the best place for fellow warriors/hunters/shooting/preppers & SHTF enthusiasts's input, opinions, experience, critique, & such. So lads N lasses ( hoping there at least a few on here) lock n load n ready, aim, n fire! :cool: ps Forgive any mishaps as this is my first post. Blah, blah, blah.


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In before the lock ;)

.308 is going to be easier/scavenge to find once you are out of ammo shooting all the walking dead and would be baddies.


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You should know, you can't kill a zombie by beating it, head shots only.

And the lock slowly closes...:D


The .308 can't feed thru the magwell of the AR15. It's a different platform, the AR10, about a pound and a half heavier.

The SHTF/PD/Hunting is a 25 to 300 meter application, sniper is 350 - 800m. The application is too broad for any one cartridge to do it all, and the CQB aspects of SHTF/PD will seriously compromise the long range precision of the sniper. At the very least, you have a barrel length decision to make, and 18" is guaranteed to compromise either app.

Focus on one, or the other, not both. Since the sniper app would be the smallest percentage opportunity, drop it. Build a gun to do 85% of what might be asked, optimize it for that, and it will work well.

I built a 16" midlength fixed stock rifle handguard AR in the #1 alternate caliber (not listed.) I built it to hunt whitetail, and it won't be compromised for SHTF/PD - which is extremely unlikely anyway. CCW pistols are the #1 choice for that, because it has to be on you, not in the trunk of your car 250 yards away.

If none of this makes sense, then it's likely IBTL won't either.

edit: fixed my typo
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My GP/SHTF do everything well rifles are chambered for .308/7.62mm x 51

They are not AR-10 type rifles though

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I am of the opinion that in these types of situations many ofter factors become more important. I draw from recent experience.....

Durring TS Irene my town here in Vermont was completely cutoff from the outside world. I was working taking care of the properties we manage and using my 4x4 in order to get to places others couldn't. My camp stove as well as my water purification setup cam in handy. I don't own these for shtf but rather because I actually go camping.

The five cords of wood I split and cut this summer came in handy for heat when a few nightly temps went below 45 degrees. My portable fuel tanks came in handy when the town was out of gas.

In my opinion all of the things I highlighted in bold are more important for survival than a firearm and if I were to invest in SHTF I would consider them first.

As for guns I carried what I carry every day and simply added a 12GA pump to my truck that usually stays at home. The lady friend was armed at home (another 12 GA pump and her handgun) at all trims and was left with one of our radios from work along with her mobile phone.

Of course there was a need for firearms. The town was without law enforcement for several days and yet no one was shot. I am in no way anti gun I simply suggest spending your $ on things more vital for survival than guns and find a way to implement what is already in your safe.

Regards, Vermonter


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.308 win can take down pretty much any game ur likely to meet in North america, its effective against people, light to medium barriers, and is readily available for scrounging ....

.308 wins hands down in my book


New member
For an all-around weapon, ammo availability must be considered of paramount importance for the purposes you describe.

My son just built a 6.5 Grendel and it is truly an impressive round...but having a tack-driving semi-auto that can reach out 1000 yards is a different animal than what you're looking for.

We're target shooters- and there's nothing better than the 6.5 Grendel for that...

But the .308 wins hands down for ammo availability.


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black mamba Ammo availability and effectiveness go to the .308, hands down.

THORN74 .308 win can take down pretty much any game ur likely to meet in North america, its effective against people, light to medium barriers, and is readily available for scrounging ....

.308 wins hands down in my book

tobnpr For an all-around weapon, ammo availability must be considered of paramount importance for the purposes you describe...

We're target shooters- and there's nothing better than the 6.5 Grendel for that...

But the .308 wins hands down for ammo availability.

Ditto x3


New member
Seeing this one not lasting too long. ;)

.308 Winchester is the most practical choice for an all purpose rifle if there ever was such a thing.

To the point on this one though. Just seem to be getting a vibe of some sort here...

Are you known as 155Millimeter or possibly Gecko45 elsewhere on the internets? :) Something about the way you "speak" just has this written on it, no pun intended.
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