Shtf .22


New member
Which makes more sense for a SHTF .22, a pistol or a rifle, assuming one can buy but one? I'm considering a Ruger Mark II, long barreled, and a Ruger 10/22. I'd want it for taking small game and, if necessary, self-defense, though I have heavier calibers for the latter available. In the interim I'd use it for plinking and range practice. Advice?


New member
I have a Ruger Single six with a 9.5" barrel.

It will shoot any .22 short, long, LR and has a cylinder for WMR.

It is extremely accurate.

It is not particularly loud and the WMR is pretty potent.

It does not leave casings behind (ahem).

It does not look as threatening as an automatic.

It is probably the most reliable hand gun design - especially long term when parts are scarce.

The draw backs are that it is slow to load and unload and it is not really concealable.

All in all, it is a really fun plinker.


New member
Get one of each........

I have a .22 rifle for each member of my family and 2 .22 pistols. I love the .22 round. You can carry a brick of 500 in your pocket if you had to. Many people may put it down as just a practice round but the key to any shooting, be it game or self defense or target, is shot placement. For everyone who thinks its not a good round, go out to 100 or 50 yards and start running at me. Lets test your theory. What's that? I thought so.:D


New member
A SHTF situation and only able to have either rifle or pistol in .22.

Obvious choice would be a rifle. Gets more out of the round and more accurate at distance.

Which particular one to get? Depends! Without going to deep you would probably do well with Ruger 10/22. Though most of the .22 semi's from reputable co's will probably work. Lever or bolt? Same-o Same-o. Lots of good ones out there.


New member
IMO, the .22 is the most versatile round there is. More so now, with the introduction some years ago of hot rounds like the stinger. I have read that some survivalist experts content that the .22 will be the SHTF caliber of choice, and .22 ammo will be used for money in many places. For all-around utility, you can't beat it.


New member
With a suppressor a .22 is the perfect insurrectionist/freedom fighter/resistance weapon. Without the suppressor a .22 is a great small game getter. I have a Ruger 22/45 and I hope to add a Ruger 10/22 shortly.

However, I still want my .45ACP and Mini-14. ;)