Show your Sig GSRs


New member
I have fired 2500+ rounds through my STX so far without a malfunction, not too shabby.

I shot the above group at five yards from the draw in 2.31 seconds.


Here it is with it's little BUG friend PM9.

The Revolution STX is the only 1911 Sig puts out of its custom shop and they do a nice job on it, or at least they did on this one.


New member
Nice pistol hamster

I think one of the reasons there so reliable is the long external extractor.

Kimber tried the external with mixed results and I believe the short length of it had something to do with it.


New member

Been darn near flawless (except for grossly oversize rounds) since I got it. Loved it from the first time I picked it up at Shot.



Good gun, I like it better than the Kimber I paid more for...



New member
Good looking pistols men

I really like my Sig 1911, I have handled and fired almost every make of 1911 and Sig is making a very nice pistol.

Good gun, I like it better than the Kimber I paid more for...

I have had several different Kimbers and shot a number of others and I believe Sig has them beat. Well, I still own a CDP Pro II that has been good so far, but I'd trade it for an Sig RCS.:)


New member
Ah, that STX is truly a beautiful piece. I love the SIG contoured upper slide, and that two tone finish makes it looks fantastic.


New member
Sigs are very good

Thats a nice pistol you have azredhawk44 I believe I saw it on a thread on THR when I was researching opinions before I bought mine and you were telling about sending it back to SIG.

I read it in the archives I believe, I did not post on that thread, but you helped convince me to try a Sig. thx