Show Your Love Of Guns.....Get a Tattoo!!

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New member
Anyone out there with Firearm Tattoos?Show em' off..Be proud to be a shooter.Had this done in 1996 by a friend.This was just after finishing the outline and shading( 6 hours).Had it colored a few months later(sorry, haven't taken the update picture yet). Skullboy.


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Staff Alumnus
Well Lets See.... in order of occurance

Daughter named Sigorney - AKA Sig

Son named Colt

"Wrist Band" tat with "DVC"

Grandson named Remington

That about covers it for now.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Weirdlies: I saw a movie when I was a fairly little kid where a good guy was on death row on account of witnesses remembered the real bad guy's tattoo. The good guy happened to have one just like it.

That stayed with me for years and years, and you still couldn't get me drunk enough to go get a tattoo!

Also sorta tied in with, "Hey, they brand cows, don't they?" and those folks with numbers tattooed on their forearms...

:), Art


New member
I know very few people that have gotten tattoos that haven't wished they hadn't after a few years. I learned from their mistakes and skipped that little ritual. :)

David Wile

New member
Hey folks,

Facepainting-OK. Tattoo-bad. Facepainting washes off when you get over it. Tattoo only fades with time into a fuzzy ugly mess, and, when you are over it, it is a real expensive pain to have it removed. Plus the things Schmit, Art, and Johnwill said.

Best wishes,
Dave Wile


New member
Nice tattoo. I guess you have to be a tattoo guy to appreciate it. I don't have any firearms tats but my pride and joy is my USMC Bulldog. No pics though. I'd love to see the colored version if you could get some pics.

I have 6 tattoos and there's only one that I would like to change and will probably get it covered. It was a ribboned heart with my girlfriend in the Philippines name. Hey I was drunk and young. ;) My wife hates it by the way. But I feel all my tats are memories of times in my life. I have one that I designed and only me and two friends have it. We got it when we were in the Corps stationed at barracks duty in the Philippines. I always look at it and think of them. I guess it boils down to personal preference. I like tattos, some don't. Get us a colored pic.


New member
Reminds me of a magazine add that pictured a guy getting a tattoo of " Spring Break 97!" or something close to that tattooed on his back. Under it the caption " Bad Idea". :p :D

Seriously, I've seen some really nice tats, but my preferences in weapons change so much that I could never decide on one particular one.

Good SHooting

Steve Smith

New member
I've been wanting one for years, but could never figure out what I wanted. I finally figured it out... Distinguished Rifleman Badge. When I earn it, I'll have it put on my shoulder. that's about the only thing I can imagine that is deserving of a lifelong spot on my body.


New member
There are two things I really, really, really dislike......snakes and needles. When they figure out how to do tattoos with an airbrush, I may consider it.:)


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Sniper Tattoo

Finally got around to taking a photo of my sniper tattoo after coloring.Some of you wanted to see the finished product.

Thx. Skullboy


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desert maus

New member
Tattoo only fades with time into a fuzzy ugly mess, and, when you are over it, it is a real expensive pain to have it removed
Actually, tattoo pigments have come a long way in the past few years, and black actually looks "black" instead of green. They're also much more lightfast and don't smudge like they used to. Of course, this depends on if your tattooist is using good ink or the big cheap bottles of "black" which almost as ghetto as India Ink. And they do have new lasers which are much less painful and don't leave a hideous scar (although they're still expensive, but some insurance is actually covering this, as long as you've got dermatalogical coverage.) But, tattoo's still aren't the most comfortable thing to have done.:eek:
How do I know this? I've known almost every tattooist in Denver from the past several years, either as a customer or through mutual friends, or just buddies. I was actually going to apprentice for it, until I found out how long the waiting list is, and that you get paid next to nothing (actual tattoo artitists make good money though.)
Tattoo's are very personal though, and I've made it a point to select ones that aren't "obvious" as far as their meaning goes. Things like the names of signifcant others are bad juju, your favorite sports team is kind of tacky, your favorite celebrities are cheesy (Marilyn's been dead for 30 years, and besides that, she looked better before Hollywood whored her up and dumbed her down.)
I don't have any firearms tattoo's, mainly because I like the more "abstract" stuff, but as long as that's what you want (and don't mind the pain in your arm or wallet), that's cool. I actually look at my tattoos as sort of a timeline, and I can remember those periods in my life when I got the tattoo, what I was doing, how I was feeling, etc.
Yes, tattoos hurt, but usually not as much as people think. And you kind of go numb after a few minutes anyways. The worse part is that I'm prone to "needle shock", which is when your body kicks in massive amounts of endorphines and I start to feel nauseous (this happened a few months ago when I got a tooth pulled, which is the first time it's happened in a medical setting.) It's kind of hard to explain, but it goes away after a few minutes, and most people don't ever experience it. The worst one I had was when I got my back done. Part of that tattoo comes up onto my shoulderblades and vertebrae, and that hurt like nothin' else! The artist was in the middle of shading, and I politely excused myself, went to throw up, and then had him finish. The back, underarms right below your armpits, ankles and wrists are the most painful places to get tattoo'd because the skin is so thin their (there's actually one more place that's the most painful, but I'll let you figure that one out...;)) Yes people actually do get tattoo's on their "parts", but damned if I'm letting anyone near my thing with any sharp metallic object:eek:! I gotta draw the line somewhere!
Getting tattoos is a very personal thing, and I think long and hard before I get one done. I just hope people at least think long and hard before they judge someone else just because the other person has ink (I'm not accusing anyone, just making a general statement:).


New member
Every good (read drunk) Leatherneck did Gunny. Oh were you talking about the tattoo or the Philippine girlfriend? ;)


New member
I just got another one a few weeks ago. My buddy owns a shop in the area and he wanted to tattoo me so I let him. I got the Army Field Artillery insignia, the crossed cannons, with the regimental numbers of the units I was in..and some smoke too.

Lone Star

New member
What do tattoos say about gun owners to reasonably polished people, who already consider us a pack of ill-mannered, drunken louts, who drive mainly pickups with gun racks in the window? An individual who gets a tattoo featuring a gun, or behaves in a generally boorish, rednecked manner only perpetuates the stereotype.

Lone Star
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Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Trouble with a lot of tattoos is that they'll create problems in later years.

One which includes "I love BettyJoSue" will be a source of friction, years later, when your wife's name is Jolene.

:D, Art


New member
So Lone Star, on the flip side, should I assume all "reasonalby polished" people are ignorant, stuck-up, I'm better then you, holier than thou?

The general public can only view my tattoos if I wish them to.Usually I don't let people see them because of their narrow mindedness.

My tattoos are well thought out before hand and custom designed for me, and me alone(you never,ever, get womens names tattooed on yourself).I have no regrets in getting them, and will be getting more in the future.If you take care of them properly, they will last a lifetime.

If you wish to brand me as a "redneck", then I will proudly wear that title.If you ever met me or some of my tattooed companions, you would find that we are probably more polite and of stand up character then any of the "reasonably polished" people you know.

It is a free society we live in, and everyone is entitled to their opinions,but if you don't like something, you don't have to look at it.This thread was started for the firearm enthusiasts that enjoy tattoos(there are a lot of us out there).If you don't like them,or have negative things to say about us/them, you don't have to view the thread.

Opinions - everybody has one.

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New member
I think it's a generation gap thing, too.

My two stepsons, aged 21 and 23, would rather not eat for a couple days, or go without new shoes, in order to have enough money for another embellishment to their "tribal" tattoos. One actually had the nerve to call us before his birthday to ask when and how much money we were sending in the card, so he could pick out the tattoo he wanted. Talk about having one's priorities in life straight.

And of course, the young ladies wearing the tank tops and low-rider jeans wouldn't be such "hotties" if they didn't have the small of their backs covered in something Kanji or the like.

I never had the urge to mutilate that which was issued to me on my birth. I've done plenty of that already, via accidents of carpentry and power tools. Hell, I even own and ride a vintage Harley, that alone should be a prerequisite for being tattooed. Here in the land of the Sooper WalMart Evening Promenade and fried alligator tails, I must have missed a bunch of social necessities, I guess...:rolleyes:

Will Beararms

New member
As I knock on 40's door, I have a dermatologist appointment 6 December. Part of the visit is to make sure I have no melanoma or other cancerous spots. The other part is to discuss the optimal method to get rid of an Eagle on my right shoulder.

Don't mark yourself. These days it's bad enough and when you get a tat it is only 20 times worse.
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