Show off your firearms wallhangers...


New member
I enjoy the photos here quite a bit and would love to see some wallhangers. I bet others would too! Heres my "Granny Clampett" double barrell, double trigger scatter gun.



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Unfortunately, in this day and age, I will not hang anything on the wall.

If someone steals it, you end up in the paper as "GUN stolen from irresponsible GUN NUT who didn't lock it up!"...and the police get unhappy at you.

Even if it was a 19th century whatever that ammo hasn't been made for in over a century. Like, I have an 1878 Vetterli, which uses .41 Swiss won't find ammo for that. But even that stays in the safe.

Most I'd hang on a wall is one of the Denix replicas. They make nice Kentuckys, Sharps, even a Garand, but they can't be made to fire.


New member
Good point Mandewolf. I chose to hang my shotgun, because when I got it back in '99 the Blue Book value was a whopping $60.00. I think it's more valuable as "art". If it were to be stolen I'd be ticked but not out too much. I enjoy having that one out for myself & friends to see.


New member
Unfortunately, in this day and age, I will not hang anything on the wall.

Yeah because gun theft just started recently.

I personally don't hang anything because nothing I own is worthy or hanging, and if it was worthy of hanging I would not hang it because I would not want it to get sticky fingered.


Yeah because gun theft just started recently.

No, but the papers scouring the police blotter for something to sensationalize and demonize a gun owner with, that's more recent.

Meth-heads desperate for their next fix seeing a gun on the wall through a window and figuring it's worth selling, that's more recent as well.


New member
Only a wall hanger because the gun was given to my father MANY years ago, then was given to me, so I wont throw out a free gun, but I dont feel it's safe to shoot, so....

Iver Johnson 2nd Model .38