Should we consider civil disobedience?

simonov jr

New member
If there is a "legal" coup in FL, and Gore gets his win, should we consider demonstrations, work stoppages, or any other acts of civil disobedience?


New member
I think it would be something if military leaders refuse to support him, wonder what gore could do if he had lets say 80% of the military not backing him, he couldnt run this country thats for sure...

Jeff Thomas

New member
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." - Edmund Burke.

IMHO, civil disobedience should not only be considered, it is a moral imperative. It is our duty. It is what we owe to the veterans we honored just yesterday.

It is what we owe to our families, our country and ourselves.

And, you know what ... it is fun and invigorating as well.

Each will make his or her own choice. But, to do nothing is a sad surrender, IMHO.

Regards from AZ

Gary H

New member
We must be careful. Keep the finger out of the trigger guard. If you want to do something, then get really active in local politics. Otherwise, you are just blowing smoke. We have to ask ourselves if radical actions will help, or hurt. I believe that we can do great damage, but if Gore is the man, then he will never leave office because a bunch of gun nuts do crazy things. Get politically active in a way that will help in two years.


New member
I've considered it, and I'm for it. In exactly what form it will manifest itself, I'm not sure. But I believe the current situation, not only in Florida but nationwide, will push me beyond my limits if Gore usurps this election. I'm lucky not to be in uniform if he wins. But I'm still under contract, so to speak.


Jeff Thomas

New member
Civil disobedience, by definition, is nonviolent.

The first thing people can do is respond to these 1:00pm Saturday demonstrations by liberals in their areas ... Counter Coup - discussed elsewhere on TFL.

Regards from AZ

simonov jr

New member
Let me be more specific. Anyone ever seen Dr. Strangelove? Russians built a doomsday device that is automatically triggered. You might remember the line, "What good is a doomsday device if the other side doesn't know about it?". Here's my preliminary, just pulled it out of my ass proposal. A website is set up to coordinate this. The other side WOULD know about it, of course. The plan is as follows: Electronic notification is sent to all relevant parties, eg Gore, Feds, FL election commission, etc. "You are hereby notified that if Gore takes office after a rigged election, the following will happen on the following timetable":

1. Inauguration day: 48 hour "gas out", sending shocks through the energy market segment.

2. Inauguration day plus 1 week: 48 hour work stoppage.

3. Inauguration day plus 2 weeks: 24 hour gas out, 24 hour work stoppage, and 24 hour "rolling roadblocks" on interstate highways.

4. Inauguration day plus 3 weeks: 48 hrs of each from number 3, plus MASS selloff of all government savings bonds!


6. Am I making my point? Anyone care to help me refine this? The idea is that even with your responsibilities, you can surely take a measly day or two off work for your democracy. It is the accumulated effect that we are going for. Think of it. They depend on we the producers of society. Lets show em that WE control the means of production, and as important, consumption. We hold BOTH keys to the welfare if not the survival of the economy. Lets fight this Cold War so we never have to fight a hot one!


New member
The problem is, civil disobedience over guns is an issue that those who don't study history so often fail to sympathise with. Not just this, but the penalties for firearms related violations of even the most minor nature can cost you your guns from life and your freedom for years. It is unsafe in the extreme, and we have better ways to win. Lets not win by gathering pity, lets win by gaining respect and the power to not back down. Lets be strong because we can. If blacks in the South had the resources we have they would have been a lot less willing to go to prison over things, or to peacefully accept the relentless beatings and the firehoses.

If we go the route of civil disobedience, and we shouldn't yet, we must go that route only when it is so important that we are willing to kill and be killed in the name of it. Why destabilize the country politically if you're not gonna do it right.

Right now we don't even have 100% of gun owners voting for the right candidate. Until we fix that revolutions and disobedience will not get us anywhere but chaos.

The Alcove

I twist the facts until they tell the truth. -Some intellectual sadist

The Bill of Rights is a document of brilliance, a document of wisdom, and it is the ultimate law, spoken or not, for the very concept of a society that holds liberty above the desire for ever greater power. -Me

Compromising the right position only makes you more wrong.


New member
1. Inauguration day: 48 hour "gas out", sending shocks through the energy market segment.

Just so you know, there _will_ be people throwing a ruckus in DC, no matter whether bore or gush wins. Anyway, um, "gas out" in January??? Are you from the south by any chance? ;)


New member
on freerepublic a guy suggested upping your deductions on your W2 to 8 or 10 then filing for payment extension...



New member
I rather enjoyed your suggestion. Here's my counter plan, or an addition to your plan. Use as little energy as possible. If possible, heat one room, and live out of it. Conserve energy and shoot for cutting back 40%. Many of us could do that without any noticeable change in lifestyle.
When you drive, carpool, ride a bike, or take the stairs in leiu of elevators. Cut back your daily draw on energy, and you will make a ripple.
Then, see if you can get friends to purchase items only on every 3rd or fourth day. Throw the transportation system into fits.
Quit smoking or dipping. All smokers should quit paying these confiscatory taxes on their habits. I dip Coppenhagen, but if Al Gore wins, I will be quiting next day, vowing not to use tobacco until he's out. (this is also a healthy suggestion) Channel your hatred to accomplish these tasks.
I personally will refuse to drink any beer or alcohol that has had taxes paid on it. I will just brew my own, and refuse to pay these taxes too. There are no taxes paid on homebrew as the ingredients are grain, water, hops, and time. The beer tastes better too.
I will avoid giving an extra penny to the Federal Government at all costs.
I already practice civil disobedience daily. I will just do my part to increase my level of disobedience.
You folks can and should practice whatever ammount of disobedience you're comfortable with. I think we can grow this thing if we work at it!

Just my hairbrained ideas.


New member

Self sufficiency is a very good idea. Just look at all the garbage we consume.

I decided to start reducing my debts (to many guns, tools, cars and other goodies), by fixing rather than buying new. It's cheaper anyway.

Reduce heating and electrical costs, change driving habits, hunt more, grow your own veggies, etc.......... Basically, stay the h#ll out of stores! In my case, especially stores like Home Depot, the tool section and their Klien electrical tools are way to addictive. :D God, I make Tim Allen look like an amateur.


New member
Just a suggestion - Read "The Monkey Wrench Gang" by Edward Abbey.

And, FWIW, the movie "Fight Club" has a rather interesting premise.