Should I use this or a 22 for Home Defense

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New member
I think that's more of an outdoor gun :p BG's must have armored vehicles where you live! Good luck getting some range time to practice. Idea is pretty cool though. That's one gun that the sight of it would definitely scare probably 99% of thugs.


New member
Why not just use a "Flame Thrower"? No NFA/ATF restrictions , a lot cheaper, and will probably do less damage to your house.


New member
Why use anything handheld when proximity mines will do the job just as well. ;)

Personally, I have calculated all of the fields of fire within 1000 meters of my house for the mortar I keep in the attic ... for just such an occasion.

Now Mr. Meyer, you do know that you will have to actually explain that you are being sarcastic about ten posts from now, don't you?


New member
Looks good at first, but what about multiple opponents with soft body armor? That thing looks a little slow to reload. Also, how do you justify using a 12-gauge when it has been well established on the internet that a .38 Special is all you need?

Just wondering.


New member
I don't know the capacity doesn't look all that great. Plus what would the cop say if I have this in my car along with my M-16 with a 100 rnd drum and my two pistols, you know, for those dangerous trips to the market. :barf:


New member
You could even mount a little Remington "Master Key" on that tactical rail in case you run out of ammo.

Model520Fan, Dunno if u were serious but thats a 40mm grenade launcher.. not a 12 gauge.


New member
Sigh! Just another wonderful thing my wife won't let me have!:D I guess I'll go with the .22. Heck, I might even attatch it to my armored wheel barrel.;) :D


New member
well depend on how much distance those 40mm rounds are armed for. If they are up close and personal it may leave a mark soap and water will not take off :D

I want to say those rounds have to travel 50 meters before they arm?????? Since I retired I have CRS Syndrome.


New member
Better hope for a jury made up of NRA members

You kiddin' me?! They would convict him out of sheer disdain for not using a .45acp -- the most powerful cartridge in the universe. :cool:


I guess the answer depends on where your house is. If Fallejuh is becoming too risky, consider moving to the "international zone" (Green Zone) in Baghdad. It's supposed to be safe there.
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