Should I trade my Glock for this?


New member
I am trading my Glock 19 (with Trijon night sights so probably worth at least $500 even though its used)

I just can't decide what to trade for/what offer is the best. Not sure if this is the right forum or not... HERE is what I want: the most reliable revolver possible! So any advice on what you think is the best deal. I am looking for pure reliability out of the revolvers but also good value for my trade at same time.

1st trade offer: COLT Detective .38 special. 3rd generation made in 1977, 2 inch barrel with about 100 rounds through it. Not sure the value of if. Trade is straight up, only extra is a holster

2nd trade offer Charter arms .44 special bulldog bug Bought new in 2008, fired about 100 rounds through it. Offer includes revolver +$300 cash.

3rd trade offer S&W model 642 Around 50 rounds fired trough it. Straight up trade, including holster and ammo to make up for price difference.

I'm leaning toward the Chater arms because of the extra cash. But just was wondering in case I decide otherwise what is a better overall quality and reliable revolver: a old 1977 COLT decetive special .38 OR newer S&W model 642? Which of those 2 revolvers would you more trust your life to go bang each time?
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New member
I've got a 642 and it is freakin awesome. It fills a far different niche than the Glock, but once you get used to shooting a J-frame, and the ease of concealment/light-weight you are going to love it. When I carry mine it is either in a Mitch Rosen OWB (not too often) or a High Noon Holsters pocket holster. When I'm cycling it is in my jersey pocket in a DeSantis Nemesis.


New member
I'm sorry, but why would you trade your Glock 19? The Glock 19 is one of the best defensive pistols out there. 9mm ammo is pleantiful and still fairly economical, especially compared to 44 special. Glocks are extremely reliable and the finish is very durable. With the night sights and 15 round magazines, the Glock 19 is a great concealed carry gun. You should seriously reconsider parting with it.


New member
I'm still not 100% sure I want to trade it. But I already have a Glock 26. So I figured I should add on a revolver also. If I have a Glock and Revolver I can't go Wrong reliability wise or have to worry much about it. With all the new gun laws, etc that could be coming up I'd like to have an extremely reliable revolver that will basically last forever. Ammo isn't a issue at the moment since if I traded for say the .44 I'd get 100 rounds with the trade. Plus I'd get some more while there are still some around.

I just figured since I have a Glock 26 already (basically the same as the 19) that getting a GOOD quality, reliable revolver would be a WISE choice in these current times. Right now, at least in my area, you can hardly buy firearms anymore. Almost anything decent is sold out or has a 10 day waiting period for even background checks!!!! Normally out here it's 30 min check and your done. It's gotten a little CRAZY recently.. I've even seen a hi-point that the original price was $100 sold for $350 because fire-arms are so short at the moment!!

So I figured since I already have 1 Glock, good quality revolver that will last a very long time would be a good back-up to have.
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New member

I've even seen a hi-point that the original price was $100 sold for $350 because fire-arms are so short at the moment!!

Let me know if these guys are still buying!! I have a Hi Point C9 I would sell in a heartbeat for $350 :D


New member
Dumb idea right now, used Glocks are like $700+ dollars and a new S&W 642 is $400 ish

Why don't you mail me that glock 19 to my ffl and ill mail you my 642 to your ffl. :D:D:D:rolleyes:


New member
The 642 trade does seem like a bad one, but the colt dect .38 special from what i read is worth $500 to $1,000 just depending on condition.

The Charter arms seems like a good deal... A .44 special bulldog, 75 rounds of .44 special +$300 cash seems like a excellent deal.

But maybe I should just hold onto my Glock. Can't make up my mind that's why I posted here. I just figured with the way firearms are going, having a good quality revolver would be a good idea right now.


New member
Keep your Glock 19.

Charter arms... please.
Old Colt Detective Special... meh.
S&W 642... No extra ammo or holster makes this trade even close to even.


New member
If anything I would get rid of the 26 and keep the 19, but in reality, I don't think I would be getting rid of anything right now.


New member
sorry guys I wouldn't trade a Glock for anything, wouldn't have one to begin with, just don't the machining too much gap between slide and frame. just my .02


New member
My dealer has just about every popular Glock model still at his regular discount prices. The is a clean G17 and G19 per owned for $475.00. I am in Central Pa.


New member
There is no reason to anticipate revolvers being affected by most proposed legislation. If any capacity bans go through, it will be your magazines that go up in price, so trading a G19 for a revolver due to concerns about the political climate seems silly.

Also, a G19/26 combo is a good thing. You can use the 19 mags as spares when you carry the 26; manual of arms is consistent between the two; holsters and mag pouches can be relatively interchangeable.

Save your money, and just buy a revolver later.

If you are worried about possible legislation, don't panic buy or trade. Contact your reps, express your pro-gun views, and if you want to spend extra, donate to proven RKBA organizations.

None of the trades you listed make as much sense as taking those actions.


New member
IMO the G19 is the best all around defensive handgun. No way in hell I'd trade mine for a revolver right now.
Well, maybe I would if the revolver was worth a stupid amount of money. G19's aren't too hard to find yet.

Bob Wright

New member
I'd trade a Glock for any one of the guns you mentioned.

For the Colt, I'd even consider buying a Glock to trade if that's what it took.

Bob Wright
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New member
From a shear defensive standpoint the G19 would be my pick. From a collector standpoint, I'd take the Colt Detective Special if it's in good original condition.