Should I trade my Gen 1 Glock 23 for a Gen 4?


New member
I have a Glock Gen 1 model 23 purchased new in the early mid 90's. It has worked flawlessly & I have learned to use it well. However it does not have the interchangeable grip spacers (I have really long fingers), no double recoil spring (.40's are snappy) or a rail to mount a light or laser which is in my future. It's used as a CC weapon.

In your opinion is the Gen 4 worth the money, benefit etc? Recoil has never bothered me and I know many will say I could install a tungsten op-rod to tame the snap which I may do. Or should I just buy a 9MM Gen 4 Glock 19?



Member in memoriam
Gen1 Trade?

IMHO I would keep the Gen1 for the value and memories it offers.That said,I hope your new Gen4 will provide you flawless service.Best,Skeets


New member
Sounds like a Gen4 19 is in the future because of the interest/desire for less recoil and additional features.


New member
New in he mid-90s? I think you actually have a Gen 2 G23.

I have a Gen4 G23 and am pleased with it. Of course you can build up the grip on your old G23 but as you say there isn't a rail for a light.

Uncle Malice

New member
They didn't make Gen1 Glock 23's....

You must have a Gen 2?

I wouldn't get rid of it. They're pretty well regarded. The Gen4 is great, and you should ALSO get one of those... but I wouldn't give up the Gen 2.


New member
Keep your Gen 1/Gen2. Like anything else, they are not produced anymore and value may be a factor in the future. Keep it, and save for a new gen 4. You will miss the memories and the cool factor of owning a gen 1 as a conversation piece. Plus your glock is almost old enough to have a whisky drink with you! How cool is that for some original gangster plastic?!

If you do go gen 4 go with the model 23 and buy a conversion barrel 9mm. I am happy with my Lone Wolf Barrels for the price point. (G20 with .40 sw barrel for me)


New member
As has already been posted. There are no 1st generation G23's so yours would be a 2nd generation Glock.

Right now we are starting to see the beginning of Glock .40's of all types being traded in by LE for 9mm Glocks. So prices (values) will come down on all used .40 Glocks. At least that is my believe. My LGS has used Glocks stickered as low as $325. - unheard of a couple years ago.

So what I would do is either get rid of it now. While prices are still relatively high. Or hold on to it.

Clearly if your finances allow keep it as a spare gun. And purchase the Glock you want outright.

FWIW - I am not a fan of the 4th generation Glocks. But that's just me. I like the 3rd generations best.

Edited to add. While many folks report no problems with putting a 9mm barrel into a .40 cal Glock. My personal limited experience is that problems do occur much more frequently than with "pure" 9mm Glocks. (And this comes from someone who runs .357 SIG barrels in his .40 Glocks.)




New member
I have a Glock Gen "2" model 23 purchased new in the early mid 90's. It has worked flawlessly & I have learned to use it well.

I wouldn't give up a Gen whatever Glock 23 that "worked flawlessly & which I have learned to use well". It might be hard to replicate those qualities with another Glock. I have the same quandry myself with my Gen3 17, which works great & I have a lot of good rangetime with it so I think I've learned to use it pretty well. But sometimes I think I'd be better off with a Gen4 17 or 34, especially the 34. I think I'll stick with the Gen3 17 for the time being.


New member
I'd imagin the Gen1 23 would feed "flawlessly" because case head support was lacking. Glock has since changed the support quitely.


New member
Unless it has some sentimental value, I'd trade it and get what you want. I've owned nothing but gen 4 Glocks and have been please with all of them. Especially the 19.


Active member
Other than the Gen 1 Glock 17's, I don't think the other's will be collectible anytime soon. So, I'd trade it.


New member
Gen 1 and 2 Glocks

I like holding the older Glocks better. I don't like the grips with the built in finger grooves. That is just me and my goofy hands. It seems the older Glocks hold their value pretty well in any case.
