Should I stop carrying a pistol?

Superhouse 15

New member
Let me start by saying I carry everywhere I legally can. My typical CCW setup is a full sized pistol IWB strong side, a spare magazine weak side, a good knife in my strong side front pocket, a wallet strong side rear, and a BUG weak side rear pocket. Lately I've been carrying a cell phone in my weak side front pocket. Sometimes I carry a Surefire L1 in the little watch pocket of my jeans, sometimes I put it next to my wallet. I usually don't carry the light 100%. That leaves me with a lot of stuff compared to some, but it doesn't seem to bother me. I carry it all in FL in the summer, in the winter, with good clothes or ratty t shirts. It's my routine. Done it for over a decade without issue. Never been in a gunfight. I get to shoot for free and I'm proficient with my stuff.


I've been thinking of replacing the BUG, a Kel Tec P32, with a Kimber Lifeact pepper spray. I work on some of my days off in a gunshop, with my primary typically carried exposed. On days off with the family, I carry a Maxpedition Jumbo bag as a diaper bag, plenty of room there for a BUG or spray. I think at the gunshop is about the highest threat situation I'm in willingly. I'm hopefully never likely to need a primary, much less a spare magazine or a BUG. I teach at a local college and work for the FD, can't legally carry at either place.

So, I await your opinions. Should I give up the BUG to add a less-lethal device to my gear? Should I just add it to my diaper bag and use it when I'm out with the family? BUG in the diaper bag? I really don't want to add more to the belt, and I'm out of pockets. With the pocket holster I use now, I'd not be changing much except the shape and thickness of the item in one pocket. Thank you for your advice, thoughts, or opinions.

chris in va

New member
I'd just go with a smaller primary and leave all that other stuff at home. My daily carry is a Kahr K9, unless I just feel like hauling around my Sig 220 when wearing a jacket.

Bill DeShivs

New member
Carry the P32 as your only gun. It's not likely you're going to be attacked by a gang.
NEVER put pepper spray or OC devices anywhere near a baby's diapers! Handling OC and just getting a tiny bit on your hands, and then taking a leak will make a grown man cry.


New member
I pretty much gotta agree with Mr. DeShivs. With the drugs of choice these days, my faith in chemical irritants has become shakey at best. I even saw an individual get preturbed at being stunned and immediately began to assault the Officer (ok, that was on the TV show 'Cops'). And being an Officer, our training clearly advises against employing OC spray against persons who are or appear to be intoxicated, under the influence of illicit drugs, or mental subjects. And, trust me- OC has no place around children and family. One may never know if another tricycle motor bundle of joy will have a chance get into the diaper bag while you or your spouse isn't looking. How would that child's parents react?

At first, I thought long and hard about your need for a back up. But, I could see your concern that maybe an offender could get the drop on you and demand that you drop your primary while in the shop. Col. J. Cooper said, "Only a desparate person or a fool will try to beat a gun that is already drawn- unfortunately the world is full of both." With that in mind, OK. AND, most importantly- if it is your right and free will to carry a back up firearm, then that ought to be the last word. With the back up, you still have the means and hopefully the ability to survive the hostile situation.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Ankle holster for the BUG. Or you can get a light weight classy vest - like those from BullFrogKen over at THR.

More pockets, more gear. Keep the OC though. Or you can take the small OC and take the cannister out of the plastic holder thingee. Then it is very small and go into a shirt pocket.

Only one knife though? Need one for each hand, so easy to reach in H2H! Two Delicas work fine.


New member
I'd go for more variety, over a BUG.
OC gives you more options on the force continuum. You are more likely to run into a situation where non-lethal force would be preferable (or legally required) than a situation where you need a second gun.


New member
Way too much stuff. The VAST majority of non-police shooting incidents are under 10 rounds without a reload. One gun, a handy pocket knife, and good running shoes are really all you'll ever need.


New member
Should I Stop Carrying A Pistol

Bianchi makes a fanny pack with a secret holster that is opened by pulling on a velcro tab. I carry my CS45 in it. I use the other two zippered compartments for cuffs, ID, extra mag, pen, and whatever else won't fit in my pockets. It is nylon, and looks like a regular fanny pack. It does hang low due to the weight of all the stuff inside. If you carry lighter things, like a .380 pistol, and lighter alloy cuffs (which I carry in mine) it wouldn't hang as low. Never the less, no one but another cop would ever recognize it for what it is. I like it better than I would a diaper bag.


New member

I can see carrying a BUG when working in the shop, other than that IMHO your chances of actually using your primary weapon are very small, Having to resort to a BUG is infinately smaller. I know that many people here will disagree but I don't think it's worth the inconvenience and extra weight. Of course if you are a LEO then a BUG makes more sense.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
The same old argument:

1. Plan for the modal event, if something worse happens - oh, well. That's rare.


2. Think of the extreme event tail of the incident distribution that you might face. Then choose a cut off point on that planning continuum that balances the inconvenience vs. the small but measureable probability that you are in this extreme incident.

Practically, it's:

1. Single Mugger
2. You are in Mumbai